5 MUST Knows For Keeping Things Positive In Work and Home Life

Have you ever met someone that has such a positive outlook on life before? Maybe when you were a child at summer camp or in your teens, that mentor you looked up to. Or maybe at your job, that one person that always has something spectacular going on in their life. No...

5 Need To Knows For Kids and Exercise Experiences

Have you ever noticed the wonder of life children possess? Their zest for life is exilerating. They go into new adventures for the most part without fear, expecting greatness. Over time though, they can lose that zest to hearing lots of “No’s” or...

5 Things You Should Know about Physical Activity VS Exercise

Have you ever heard someone say, man I need to be more physically active? Nope. Me neither. We should be saying and doing it more though! Long gone are the days that exercise is the most important movement of your day. Yes it is still important. However, the more you...

The 5 Essentials For Warm-Downs Post Exercise

Do you ever wonder why people warm-up and warm-down post exercise? There are many reasons why for your health, feeling better, readiness factor and whatnot. The following blog is all about warm-downs post exercise specifically. I include real stories, what science...

Top Tips In Preventing Injuries During Exercise

Have you ever met someone that absolutely loved exercise, maybe a little too much? Working out is always on their mind, they somehow bring it up in just about every conversation with you? Maybe they are training for races all the time and it seems a bit much?...