Deborah Heisz, CEO of Live Happy in the middle signing her book and my friend from Australia. She hosted a breakfast for all of us Happy Wall hosts a couple years ago when I worked at the psych hospital.

Can you imagine a world 🌎 where people are loving and kind towards others? A world that does not judge people by the color of their skin, the faith they practice, or the amount or lack of amount of 💴 in the bank? It seems a little too fantasy to be possible.

What would you be able to do though if it were? How would you spend your time every day? I often think about this as I have this inherent belief that people are good in their souls. Even those that have been incredibly mean, dark and nasty to me. I care about everyone. I believe they have goodness within them.

I believe there is a switch within all of us that when flipped in the right direction, can transform nations, communities, and families. I believe we all have this goodness within us and the magic lies within being kind. I lay out some magical tips on the power of kindness for your romantic life, your family health, your mindset, your workplace, and even transforming the world.

If you love what you read, please share with a friend or five and let’s help transform the world together.

Magical Power 1: Being Kind In Romance Can Save A Lot of Heartache

Have you heard of 12 Kinds of Kindness? ⁣⁣Jessica and Timothy were friends and decided to try and start dating each other and journal the entire experience and then video record aloud their journal entries over the course of a few weeks. They shared it with the world. ⁣⁣Very very interesting and a great example of one way to be especially kind (you know when dating and it just didn’t work out). ⁣⁣Check out their story here.

I am by no means an expert in dating or romantic relationships, but I am pretty proud of myself in my last long term engagement that fell through. I never once raised my voice. I was gentle, loving and expressed my needs while respecting his. It didn’t work out and when I realized it wasn’t a safe relationship to be in (along with my therapist’s strong persuasion), I suggested we do a 6-month trial separation to reset our lives.

We both had lost our fathers around the same time and I had gotten a promotion at work and lost it due to state budget cuts. He hadn’t been in a relationship for 10 years and was worried I was going to cheat like his ex because I was working a full-time job and doing my side hustle to make ends meet. I was surrounded by happy people and even though I was burned out most days, I was genuinely happy. I never did and never even had thoughts of being unfaithful. Integrity is one of my core values. When I realized his vocalization of being depressed and wanting to stay depressed, ignorant accusations, I knew it wasn’t a healthy match.

We had rushed into the engagement and with a new set of information, I was ready to hit the reset button. I was willing to try a 6 month separation but really in my heart knew that I didn’t want to be with someone that told me he hated having sex with me. He was really angry at his core. When I had barely a penny to my name, I self published a book, I created curriculum to help my patients move away from depression and improve their fitness as well, I volunteered at work and was promoted when everyone said I’d never get an interview. In my darkest hardest times, I am good, kind and loving. My external circumstances do not dictate my behavior. We were not a good match. (and for the record, his brain injury from 18 years prior damaged a part of his brain connected to sexual drive and also healthy responses to stress, so he didn’t feel attraction physically or urges like are natural and when he got upset it wasn’t a healthy safe response and he didn’t want to get counseling for it).

So now I’m happily and healthily single in a new city close to my brother and niece and loving this entrepreneur thing. I also work a full-time job and occasionally go on dates here and there. I haven’t met anyone that respects my obsession in moving people away from depression, my work ethic, and my spontaneity when I’m not working 😂. Maybe he’ll come one day but for now, I’m focused on me.

⁣⁣Would love your comments and reflections below on being kind in romantic relationships ⬇️

Magical Power 2: Kindness Can Brighten Someone’s Day and Fill Your Happiness Tank Up!

I’ll give you an example, one of my colleague’s at my day job gave up his seat on the shuttle on the way to work because it was packed. ⁣⁣I came late to the shuttle so he didn’t have to give me his seat. He didn’t even know I worked with him because I didn’t have any Houzz swag on. ⁣⁣It made my day and started a conversation between the two of us.

Funny thing is, ⁣⁣I just completed my sales training a couple weeks back when this happened and, we now work on the same floor 🤣 !

⁣⁣I’d love to hear your plans for being intentionally kind today. ⁣

My former day job

Magical Power 3: Being Kind Can Improve Your Immune System

Compassionate Meditating. Have you tried it?

⁣⁣I found this dope article on it! ‘Meditating with a compassionate approach to others shifts resting brain activation to the left hemisphere, a region associated with happiness, and boosts immune functions.’ Check it out here. ⁣⁣

For me, I meditate every morning before I do anything. It was suggested to a group of us at a leadership summit by Jenni Byrd Grier in a few simple steps. 1) Put your feet on the floor sitting up on your bed. 2) Think of 1-2 things you are absolutely grateful for. 3) If your thoughts start to sway (and they will), focus back on your breath to pull you back into the present. 4) if you’re spiritual or religious, use this time to thank God or your ultimate being for all the good and the bad things in your life that are shaping you into the person you are today.

It only takes a few moments to do this and I promise you, as you continue to do this daily, you’ll learn to love this time and extend it into a longer session. When I first started doing it a few years back, I had a hard time keeping my mind on the present for more than 30 seconds. I’d start worrying about my day or go into a cycle of painful memories of my past. However, I was kind to myself through the process and now I can sit and meditate for 45 minutes and feel spectacular. Most of my sessions daily are about 20-30min and occasionally longer sessions on the weekends.

I would 💜 to know your thoughts on it below ⬇️ !

Jenni Byrd Grier (featured in my up and coming podcast).

Magical Power 4: Kindness Expressed Verbally or in Writing Can Positively Impact Your Own Mood

Are You Game to improving your own mood? If yes, get out a pen/pencil and paper.

⁣⁣You have two options if you’re game. I want you to write a letter of gratitude to someone who’s made a big impact on who you are today. ⁣⁣You can either:

1) Mail the letter to them or

⁣⁣2) Call them and read the letter aloud.

⁣⁣There was a really cool study done on YouTube on this exact topic. Check it out here. ⁣⁣It’s a real tear jerker!

I highly recommend doing option 2 but no pressure haha. ⁣⁣Would love your thoughts, questions, concerns ⬇️ .

Magical Power 5: Kindness Can Help You Improve The World’s Happiness and Make a Positive Dent in Mental Health Awareness

Who Wants To Change the 🌎 for the better? If you lead groups and answered yes, keep reading ⬇️

⁣⁣I have a facilitator program available for you! ⁣⁣If you decide to purchase, 30% goes back to a mental health organization of your choice. 🙌🏼 An additional 10% goes to Big Brothers and Big Sisters in your neighborhood! If you don’t have a local chapter, it’ll go to the closest chapter to you 😊.

⁣I believe in giving and not just talking about it. ⁣⁣Go here to make your impact today and score a 16-week Curriculum combining positive psychology, journaling/group discussion/ workouts with minimal equipment+ 60+ workout demo video access/ Questionnaires to measure progress today! ⁣First 2 orders get some bonus Move Happy® swag mailed to them from me!

If you’d rather dive deeper and want some VIP coaching tips and strategies, I have 1 spot available. I have limited time available and only want to work with those who are serious about making a positive impact in mental health and are currently leading groups or plan to in the next 6 months.

VIP Coaching is 4-months. By the end of the 4-months you’ll be able to design workouts for any fitness level combining cardio/muscle fitness/flexibility in a fun way. You’ll learn strategies to facilitating groups by learning to build rapport quickly. You’ll learn how to move people from a more depressed state to a happier state by empowering them with practical strategies, sharing your authentic self, and working out together.

What Does The Move Happy® VIP Elite Leadership 1:1 Coaching Look Like?

✅ Weekly video consultations ($1,440 value),

✅ Lifetime access to a do it at your own pace 6-week course (video/worksheets/fun quizzes) that break down the Move Happy Facilitator Program’s 16-weeks of content in bite size chunks ($2,497 value),

✅ Lifetime access to workout design instruction including both ordering of exercise as well as empirically based principles for optimal physical health in any population (adult specifically) ($169,997 value),

✅ Lifetime access to improved course materials as a Founding Move Happy® VIP Member ($1,000,000,000+ value),

✅ Full access to the Move Happy Facilitator Program© ($149 value),

✅ Lifetime access to the Move Happy® Professionals Community ($997 value),

✅ Move Happy® Swag gift bag mailed to you upon completion of the 6-week course ($197 value),

✅ Move Happy® Coaching Certification (upon completion of the course) ($1997 value),

✅ Optional Continuing Education Credits (with additional fee depending on your organization affiliation),

✅ Additional bonuses ($997 value)

What is the cost of a VIP 1:1 coaching client?

Because my brand and business is new I am offering all of the above (valued at over $1,000,000,000) for only 1 payment $4,997. If you’re concerned about that amount all at once, no worries, I have 4 payment options $1,397 or 6 payment options $1,097. I have a 14-day money back guarantee so there really is no risk and you’ll get to keep a free digital copy of the official Move Happy© Participant Journal for applying ($19.97 value).

What is the cost of VIP Group Coaching?

If you’d prefer to have access to everything VIP but the 1:1 weekly calls, in a group setting instead, I am offering it for a limited time at only 1 easy payment of $1,997. If that is too much for your budget I am offering a 4- easy payment plan of only $597 each, or a 6 easy payment plan of only $397 each. I have room for 5 people in the next round of group coaching starting June 1. Early bird pricing is good until May 15.

Email me for interest here.

I am so excited to work with you! Looking forward to reading your application and reaching back out to you within 24-48 hours.

Celebrating my new logo branding with special giveaways to Move Happy® Fans

Imagine a world with kinder people like yourself. Our nations can be transformed. Our communities can be positively impacted. Workplaces can be loving and fun. Families can be restored. Mindsets can be reset. Is there any reason why we shouldn’t be kind now? I can’t think of anything better than to start being kind today.

Won’t you join me on this journey? Please follow me on all social media channels. I’d love if you have any thoughts, questions or comments to please share below.

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today…