5 Powerful Aspects To Know To Support Children With Depression

Did you know that children with depression can do powerful things? It is estimated that over 264 million people worldwide are diagnosed with some form of depression. Many of those people fall into the category of a child 12 years or younger. Sadly the second leading...

5 Must Knows About Teenagers Depression

Are you a teenager or work/live with one? If so, this blog is for you. I dive deep into this week’s topic of Teenagers and Depression. I include what science tells us, some personal and professional experiences, I share about a pretty cool program I’m...

The 5 Truths About Depression In College and Young Adults

Are you in college or new to the work field? If so, you’re experiencing one of the biggest transitions in your life. Congratulations 🎉. For some, this is a very challenging time mentally as their brains are continuing to grow and their emotions are finding ways...