This is a special release episode of an original song by yours truly, Erin Nicole. All parts of this music are owned by myself and my husband. If this song brings you some healing and/or joy, feel free to use it in your own spiritual healing time. If you run a faith system (church, temple, etc), please do not use it during the offering time unless you get permission from us first. Send correspondence to us on our Erin Nicole Ministries website ( with your budget, link to your faith building, location, and names of leadership. My husband and I will pray on it together and decide if it is a right fit for us. If you would like to use the music during the service any other part that is not connected to the offering, that is permissible as long as you showcase “Erin Nicole Ministries Copyright©️ All Rights Reserved” on the screen for the lyrics to be seen. Stay all the way to the end to hear about our Listening Room Contest©️🎶 to hear more music like this before its released to the world. PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today