Have you ever met someone and they have a rocking body but for some reason they’re always tearing themselves down? Everyone deals with body frustrations at times. However, for some that are diagnosed or on the verge of being diagnosed with Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating, and the like, their perspective is largely different than how you and I view things.

It is estimated that 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from eating disorders in the US. And according to this article, every 62 minutes someone dies as a result of the side effects of an eating disorder.

Move Happy® is about empowering people towards their own happiness through mindset, community and fitness. Although eating disorder is not a direct component of topic under Move Happy®, it does relate to the unhappiness factor. I wrote today’s blog to help those who may be struggling with a diagnoses of ED or on the verge. I am not a ED therapist however I do have training and have worked with patients directly struggling with EDs. If you stay to the very end, I share about a program I am proud of.

#1 What the National Eating Disorder Association Has To Say About Loving Your Body:⁠⠀
NEDAs Article⁠⠀Check it out!⁠⠀
Its a simple 1-pager⁠⠀
Comment below on your favorite suggestion⁠⠀

#2 Focus on #1 From Yesterday’s Article⁠⠀
Think of your body as the vehicle to your dreams. Honor it. Respect it. Fuel it.⁠⠀
Comment below on some of your dreams ⬇️ ⁠⠀
Some of mine include:⁠⠀
1. Have a family⁠⠀
2. Travel the world educating on mental health and building communities⁠⠀
3. Earn a billion dollars and give away 90%⁠⠀
4. Successfully execute the Move Happy® World Tour annually in different countries⁠⠀
5. Paying off my undergrad school debt 🤣 (hopefully before the billion occurs 😆)⁠⠀
What are yours?!⁠

#3 Think back when you loved yourself. Describe what that felt like.⁠⠀
For me, the last time I loved myself was this morning.⁠⠀
I woke up and was really grateful for the air in my lungs and the opportunities to seize the day.⁠⠀
I rubbed my belly and said I love you very much and we’re going to get this tighter before the holiday calories 😂 ⁠⠀
In all seriousness, its important to love the body you have, and its perfectly okay to want to make changes if you haven’t been treating it like the temple that it is.⁠⠀
I am guilty of saying or having negative thoughts at times of my weight, my size or even fitness level. Then I am reminded there are far more people that cannot even use their legs, arms, stand, etc and I should be very grateful for what I have.⁠⠀
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the most recent time you really appreciated your body and what that felt like for you below ⬇️ ⁠⠀

#4 Fill your mind with positive content like this below:

⁠⠀ “Life Is Too Short To Waste My Time Hating My Body This Way”⁠⠀
What thoughts came to mind when you read it?⁠⠀
Share with a friend that needs to see this today⁠⠀

#5 Score Your Own Copy of The Move Happy Facilitator Program© Today!⁠⠀
⁠MHFP© was designed to encourage a positive mindset. ⁠⠀
Although there is not a specific topic geared towards food, it does focus on positive mindset, building strong community, and practicing a healthy amount of exercise. ⁠⠀
You can order it here.⠀
30% goes back to a mental health organization of your choice (just DM me your receipt and name of organization)⁠⠀
10% goes back to your local chapter of Big Brothers and Big Sisters (BBBS.org for more info)⁠⠀
or you can donate the entire 40% to the Move Happy® World Tour (just note that in your Email to me)⁠.

Thank you in advance for your support!

First 2 orders email me subject line “EATING DISORDERS WEEK BLOG” and I’ll be sending you an extra surprise 😊

Move Happy® Updates

The Move Happy Podcast is growing at a moderate pace. I’m working on getting everything on mainstream podcast spots like Spotify and iTunes. Let me know if you listen on any other platforms and I’ll include those as well. Just released EP 23 Shola Richards earlier this am (was on vacation last weekend and had a busy week). You’ll LOVE this episode- work place bullying keynote speaker.

We’re working on some potential partnerships for the company. Stay tuned for details!

The world tour is underway starting soon! With every purchase you can help fund the rental of The Auditorium for an evening of music, motivation and life transformation. If you’d like your business to be a sponsor and receive advertising and a spot at the event, email me ($3000-$25000+ spots available). If you’re a public speaker and you’d like to speak on the stage, I have 2 spots left. Email me details of what you’d like to speak with subject heading “I’d like to speak on the Move Happy Tour.”

We all should be loving our bodies period. It’s easier said than done for sure. It starts with the conversations we have with ourselves, the words and thoughts we have do matter. Next its important to surround ourselves with positive people that build us up. If we’re reading or listening to material, it should make us feel better about ourselves. Life is too precious and short to waste it on self deprecation.

I love you all

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you found value in my content. If you did find any value whatsoever, please share it with a friend or family member.

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today