Have you ever worked with someone that made the hours fly by? Maybe it was a colleague or a classmate that got you laughing. You were still able to get your work done and be professional but for some reason the day just flowed. Some people have it in them naturally; while most of us work diligently to keep a positive attitude and mindset in the workplace. The following blog is all about the topic for those who aren’t born with it Maybelline 😉. Included in the blog are some personal and professional stories, some science and if you stay to the end I share about a workplace offering I designed. If you’re skimming the blog for the Private Listening Room competition, scroll down to “Move Happy Updates” to see how many downloads we are at currently. Enjoy!

Spectacular Power #1: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏👩‍💼 Know what positive mindsets at work look like.

I found this interesting article from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) titled: “The Work From Home Trend: An Interview With Brian Kropp.” They interviewed him because of his extensive research in businesses and future trends of the work from home market.

What really stood out to me was the idea that working remotely and those interested in working remotely are not interested in the perks of fancy offices like many tech companies offer. They are looking for different opportunities and have a higher turnover rate than employees that go into a physical office. Its the new parents that don’t want their kid in daycare. Its the slightly introverted person that desires their personal space to process information. A slide down to the 1st floor is fun for some but for these cats it’s not cutting it.

The magic of working in person happens between the boardroom meetings, its the water cooler convos, its the happy hour after work, and social connections that are built through working in person.

How was I able to keep a team across 3 continents on a limited budget remotely during a pandemic? Consistency. I wasn’t perfect at it, nor did I pretend to be. I showed up consistently and pointed out the good, what we needed work on and asked the team for their feedback. I actually listened to my team members also #key This was my first attempt at my own team of people for my own company. Although I didn’t have any budget and $0 external funding/sponsors, I know I did the best I could possibly do considering the circumstances.

Since my scary winter I have since ceased my internship program until further notice. However, my team members have reached out to me wanting to work for me because their current bosses and culture aren’t what they desire. That tells me that I have something special. I’m a daily work in progress and cannot wait to learn more and be a better leader every day.

What stood out to you in the article? Check it out and take a screenshot of the blog title and write a couple sentences. Post it on Facebook and tag us @ The Real Move Happy (no spaces).

Spectacular Power #2: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏👩‍💼💼 Know what science says about positive mindsets at work.

I found this dope article from the UK titled: “Cognitive network science for understanding online social cognitions: A social framework.” They looked at social media data to quantify how people frame emotional situations. Specifically this is from the intro:

“This work outlines how cognitive network science can open new, quantitative ways for understanding cognition through online media, like: (i) reconstructing how users semantically and emotionally frame events with contextual knowledge unavailable to machine learning, (ii) investigating conceptual salience/prominence through knowledge structure in social discourse; (iii) studying users’ personality traits like openness-to-experience, curiosity, and creativity through language in posts; (iv) bridging cognitive/emotional content and social dynamics via multilayer networks comparing the mindsets of influencers and followers. These advancements combine cognitive-, network- and computer science to understand cognitive mechanisms in both digital and real-world settings but come with limitations concerning representativeness, individual variability and data integration. Such aspects are discussed along the ethical implications of manipulating socio-cognitive data.”

This is a mouth full so let me break it down. What stood out to me were the specific examples I found when using the search option on my laptop (apple users its Command F) and typing “positive” in the search cue. I saw a great image from a Tweet broken down to neutralize the verbiage into quantifiable language. Since many businesses are moving to online models if they haven’t already been established as online, its important to read studies like this one to gain understanding of how your communication in text, video, and audio comes across to your colleagues, subordinates and customers. After all its estimated that words are 7% of communication and the majority is tonality so if we strip tone out completely, that is where a lot of misconstrued communications can develop.

What stood out to you in the article? Take a screenshot of this blog title and write a couple sentences and share on Linkedin and tag us @ Move-Happy

Spectacular Power #3: 💃🏃‍♂️🤸‍♂️🧘‍♂️🙏👨‍💼💼 Know what is the global impact of positive mindsets at work.

I found this very interesting study conducted by the National University of Singapore and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It’s titled: “Stunted upward mobility in a learning environment reduces the academic benefits of growth mindsets.” Here is an excerpt from the article:

“Males obtained better performances in math and science and a worse performance in reading. At the school level, a shortage on educational and staff resources and a school’s inability to maintain a conducive and disciplined environment negatively predicted performance. On the other hand, a higher proportion of fully certified teachers and, surprisingly, a greater student to teacher ratio were positively associated with performance… A high- mobility education system is superior to a low-mobility one in allowing learners to benefit from growth mindsets; learners with strong growth mindsets showed the best achievement and learning outcomes in both our studies. In other words, leaving the education system in the current level of diminished mobility not only jeopardizes the chances for the less privileged to achieve economic success but also hinders their potential for personal development.”

Personally, I can attest to growing up and teaching in low income- low mobility schools being at a disadvantage for opportunities. I was blessed that both my parents lived together and encouraged me to continue on in education after school. However, many of my friends came from single parents and did not continue on in education nor desire to achieve careers that challenged their cognitive abilities. There were a few special cases and most of those came from my choir program with Mr. Crouse. He may not realize this but his choice to teach in a low income school completely transformed the school’s reputation from gangs and fights to 1st places and scholarships and global travel! I joined his legacy choir because of the reputation he had set over 20+ years of teaching by the time I had enrolled.

When it came time to graduate and get my BA, I chose a degree that would continue challenging my mindset. I didn’t get a degree in music because I was already singing college level in high school. Although there were no full-time opportunities when I graduated, I have used my schooling to help build a foundation of a global mental health business Move Happy®️ and Veteran and First Responder’s Non Profit 🎶 Erin Nicole Ministries.

I’m curious to read your thoughts, comments and stories that have come about from reading this article. Please take a screenshot of this blog title and post a couple sentences on instagram and tag us @ TheRealMoveHappy

Spectacular Power #4: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏👩‍💼💼 Know what are some simple solutions to eliciting positive mindsets at work.

Those that wanted to be featured on all Move Happy®️ social media and weekly blog, commented with your bests ideas on social media this week! The best of the best ideas are included: Thanks Ramona for your contributions about music! Looking forward to hearing you sing at the concert later this month!

If you want to get a feature in future blogs and Move Happy®️ social media make sure to contribute your best ideas!

Move Happy®️ Updates and Erin Nicole Ministries Updates:

The Move Happy Movement Podcast©️ is going strong. Check it out on iTunes , podbean Spotify (1st 40 or so episodes- they stopped converting and don’t have the most current episodes sawwy), and someone added it to Listen Notes #NotMe 😂. We are going strong thanks to YOU! No ads, no bots creating fake downloads. You are spreading the word! I hope to help at least 1 person a day with the guests I bring or when I talk about important leadership topics by myself. Thank you for helping spread the mission of empowering depressed people globally to find their own happiness through mindset, community, fitness and a splash of music 🎶 ! 

This coming week I’m interviewing my first Retired Navy Seal! We’re recording later in the week so the episode will be released a little later than usual, but definitely worth the wait!! I’m SO excited for you to hear it!! 

Make sure to follow me on Twitter @MoveHappyTeam as my distribution platform has an AI setting that releases it there first 😃.

Also speaking of Veterans and First Responders Non Profit Concert Series, this past week I finalized application paperwork at the state and set up the bank account for donors/sponsors to send money to help cover the costs of the concert series! If you love Veterans and First Responders, you can donate via Zelle right now using my email account erin@themovehappy.com. The non profit is called “Erin Nicole Ministries” and moneys received will be used to cover the costs to have the non profit possible (i.e. internet, housing for me to host and eventually a building once the pandemic opens up, mic equipment for musicians and lighting equipment to help it look professional, and any other costs once we can begin traveling like covering flight and hotel costs for musicians and guests). Check out the website here. I’d love to keep it intimate online as audience members not only are entertained they are able to connect with other guests too. 

Maybe you see an old battle buddy you were stationed with overseas, or maybe you meet your next wife as she’s a black star and lost her spouse in battle? You never know what could happen at our concerts 💜. The next concert is April 29th and it’s a Jazz and patriotic theme with Ramona Patterson as our Veteran Performer guest, my mom and Aunt Carol have a set they’ve sung for retired and assisted living facilities. They have sung for over 30+ years together and haven’t been able to perform for the facilities since covid restrictions. 

If you have a family member that’s a veteran or parent/grandparent in an assisted living facility place, get in touch with their director and have them email me to get added to the list. It’s 100% free for guests unless they feel like tipping my guest performers. My mom and aunt have never taken any money 💰 for their ministry and I am doing the same with mine 💜. Any extra dollars donated will go right back to making the concert series better for our Veterans and First Responders and eventually covering travel costs for our annual in person event (including medical symposium to help improve how people with mental illness are treated in medical facilities and in the work place from top level medical providers around the globe 🌎).

Spectacular Power #5: 💃 🏃‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ 🙏 👩‍💼 💼 Know how Move Happy®️ can empower you to have a more positive mindset at work.

Last year I launched an extension for the workplace. I have a positive advantage of growing up in a home where I was home schooled. I also have the positive experience of transitioning into public schools, and even teaching in public schools that have worked with home school students. 

I saw so many posts, videos, and sat in zoom meetings last year where parents were stressed out non stop. There was no clear distinction between work and home life as work was being conducted from home. There also wasn’t a distinction of school and home life as school was being done at home and mom and dad or grandparents/foster parents were having to be tech support in addition to trying to keep up with their day job. 

I did some research and found out the World Health Organization estimated prior to the pandemic that $1 trillion dollars is lost annually in productivity specifically for those businesses that do not set up proper procedures and cultures for people with depression and anxiety specifically. I designed a solution to help decrease these stats. 

You can schedule your complimentary Work Happy Workshop©️ consultation by emailing “Work Happy Mindset Blog Special” to erin@themovehappy.com. To the first 1 that emails you’ll receive an extra 10% savings. I will meet with C-level executives or business owners that make decisions for their company. If you are an employee and you’re interested in this, send this blog to your boss and email me to let me know. I don’t cold call companies as I only work with those interested.

I currently can help 2 companies with 50 employees or less for the full package option and customize options for larger organizations. I received a referral from a CTO to his CEO last year of a company size of 1300+ employees. I appreciated the warm referral however I’d like to help small businesses as they’ve been more greatly impacted from the pandemic IMO.

What does it look like if we work together? Initially I provide the consultation to see if there is a true need at leadership level. From there we do a confidential survey to the team and I analyze the results for leadership while also maintaining confidentiality of your employees to help receive more authentic culture pulse. I create a customized presentation to the team that is both interactive and edutainable (education + entertainment). I then provide 1:1 coaching to each of your employees at a frequency of your choice (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). At the end of the 12 months together I send out that same survey to your team members and get a pulse check of the culture while also measuring the change over the year. I provide those results to top leadership and we also take a look at absenteeism numbers, production numbers and finally I team presentation to help close the time together. Should your team decide they want to continue utilizing my services, we can discuss maintenance plans that are a little less frequent and more cost effective. My goal is to not create a needed financial cost for you but to help empower your teams to find their own powers from within. Although this doesn’t help with my financials long term, I believe your testimony will bring future business to me to help me continue with my mission of empowering the depressed to find their own happiness.

I know you’re wondering about price and it totally depends on your needs, but keep in mind my goal is to help save your company money from turnover and increase productivity so long term goals of working together for 12 months should be the main focus. All pricing is month to month with no long term contracts. I also guarantee my work with 100% satisfaction as my reputation is everything.

I donate 30% of your purchase to your preferred mental health organization or if you don’t select one, I will put it back into my Veterans and First Responders non profit organization, Erin Nicole Ministries. I also donate 10% of your purchase to your local chapter of Big Brothers and Big Sisters or your local youth org if the chapter has been closed. Simply email me your receipt and preferred charities. If I have added any value to you, it would mean the world to me if you’d share this post.

So there you have it folks. A positive mindset at work is achievable. It may take some work on your part and consistency but it is possible. You must surround yourself around positive people and rid yourself as much as possible from negative nellies. If you are a leader in your organization, have a greater vision that the entire company can cling onto and help support. Get buy in from your team members and incorporate their ideas and feedback. They’ll work harder when they know you respect them. Most importantly, give back to your community from your company. That’ll attract givers to your organization and they tend to work harder 😉.

I hope you enjoyed this blog today. It would mean the world to me if you’d share it with someone you care about.

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today