Have you ever felt a sense of peace beyond comprehension? Perhaps you were on a much needed vacation with your toes in the sand and the sun beaming on your brow. The scent of the saltwater reminiscent in your mind. There is a sense of calm even when imagining this place. You can feel your blood pressure lowering and your heart beat slowing down. Your breath slows and your body feels at ease. You know that meditation is extremely beneficial and wish you practiced more. My hope for you is that this blog encourages you to do just that.

Included in the blog is current science, personal and professional stories and a great program I designed to help empower you to meditate more effectively and more frequently. Enjoy!

Must Know #1: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏 Know what Meditation looks like.

I found this beautiful study conducted in the Bronx, NY titled: “Peer navigation-delivered loving kindness meditation: A pilot project.” Peers were cancer survivors that were trained in the specific loving kindness meditation style. What stood out to me was that the study kept it anonymous. They did not tell the participants whether they were a peer instructor or a professional. Even more fascinating was the fact there was no difference in results from the self reported scales the participants completed! This means that the style of meditation is duplicatable regardless of professional expertise.

I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions on the article. Take a screenshot of this blog title and write a few sentences and share it to Facebook tagging us @TheRealMoveHappy

Must Know #2: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏 Know what science says about meditation.

The American Heart Association published a great article in March of 2021 titled: “Psychological Health, Well-Being, and the Mind-Heart Body Connection.” What stood out to me was their positive position in regards to meditation. They included some medical benefits such as lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressures for regular meditators, lowered stress, and even lowered glucose levels. When individuals medical concerns are improving, they tend to continue improving in other areas of their health too. They go on to say that many regular meditators quit smoking. If that isn’t motivating enough to enjoy your life more, I don’t know what is! What stood out for you in the article?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the article. Take a screenshot of this blog title and post your thoughts, stories and wisdom on Instagram. Tag us @TheRealMoveHappy

Must Know #3: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏 Know what the global impact of meditation is.

I found a great study conducted in Germany titled: “Meditation Based Lifestyle Modification (MBLM) In outpatients with mild to moderate depression: A mixed-methods feasibility study.” They had 8 weekly sessions of 180 minutes and were encouraged to do an additional 45 minutes of self directed meditation. What really stood out to me was the improvement in depressive symptoms of over 39% through this practice.

There are 300 million people in the world diagnosed with depression. How many could benefit from some meditation? All of them! If you could fix a problem you’ve been dealing with your entire life in 8 weeks by over 39% improvement for free (aside from your time invested) why wouldn’t you? Better yet, why not continue on with the meditation long after the 8 weeks to improve your depressive symptoms even more?

I’d love to know your thoughts, stories and success around meditation on Linkedin. Take a screenshot of this blog title and write a few sentences and tag us @Move-Happy. Please also include where you are located so we can gauge how many people around the globe are meditating. Note the article is not hyperlinked because you have to download it from a copy and paste link of the title in your search browser.

Must Know #4: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏 Know what are some simple ways we can incorporate meditation throughout our day.

Meditation does not have to be a sit down for hours silence game. You can actually create little brain breaks at school, work or even at home. Take a minute to yourself if your time is very regimented. Take a deep breath and count backwards or focus on the thoughts drifting by your mind. I like to think about 3 things or people I am grateful for when I meditate but to each their own.

A special shoutout to those of you sharing your ideas on social media of how to mediate more and how you’re doing it in your own way! Joseph says: “We need to stay firm in our resolve and focus on the positive even at the worst times. It can be a daunting task to sustain sometime, but when you pull back from it for a little while like you said it can become easier to deal with & understand.” Rick says: “Meditation reveals so much about the world around you.” David says: “they will know they are Christians by this”. The love they show to one another.” Carly says: “Back in my deputy clerk days, when I was working for the Nassau County Clerk of Court, I used to read from that scripture when conducting marriage ceremonies on the premises. That was my absolute favourite part of that job!” Ramona says: “riding my Trikke T12 puts me in a meditative state.” Rodger says he doesn’t meditate but does this: “Go to the gun range and relax.” Mary says: “Dear friends, Today, say to yourself; this is the best day of my life! Fill your mind with good stuff. Be grateful for all your blessings. Remember, life truly stems from your thoughts, so say positive affirmations out loud… such as. Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy. My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is calm. I radiate beauty, charm and grace. My obstacles are moving out of my way: my path is carved with greatness I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening and will happen. I can. I will. Dear Lord, as we wake to a brand new week we thank you for a fresh start. We are excited about what this week might hold. You have good plans for us. We wait in eager anticipation. May you look forward to a week of happiness and optimism.”

Make sure you are interacting on content all week long! You never know when you could get featured 😊.

Move Happy®️ Updates and Erin Nicole Ministries Updates: 

The Move Happy Movement Podcast©️ is going strong. Check it out on iTunes , podbean Spotify (1st 40 or so episodes- they stopped converting and don’t have the most current episodes sawwy), and someone added it to Listen Notes #NotMe 😂. We are going strong thanks to YOU! No ads, no bots creating fake downloads. You are spreading the word! I hope to help at least 1 person a day with the guests I bring or when I talk about important leadership topics by myself. Thank you for helping spread the mission of empowering depressed people globally to find their own happiness through mindset, community, fitness and a splash of music 🎶 ! 

This coming week I’m interviewing the Chief Technology Officer of the US Air Force!! I am so freaking honored she’s taking time out of her busy schedule to share her strategies with YOU! We haven’t locked our recording day yet but it’ll be some time next week so make sure you follow us on Twitter @MoveHappyTeam as my distribution platform has an AI setting that releases it there first 😃.

We are doing a fun private listening room competition to help increase the downloads/listens of the show. Once we hit 10k downloads invitations will be sent out to regular sharers of Move Happy®️ content and those writing reviews 😉. Here is where we’re at right now as of Sat April 17th 8:37am CST ⬇️

Erin Nicole Ministries Updates:

Have you heard about the Veterans and First Responders Non Profit Concert 🎶 Series? Maybe you see an old battle buddy you were stationed with overseas, or maybe you meet your next wife as she’s a black star and lost her spouse in battle? You never know what could happen at our concerts 💜. The next concert is April 29th and it’s a Jazz and patriotic theme with Ramona Patterson as our Veteran Performer guest, my mom and Aunt Carol have a set they’ve sung for retired and assisted living facilities. They have sung for over 30+ years together and haven’t been able to perform for the facilities since covid restrictions. If you have a family member that’s a veteran or parent/grandparent in an assisted living facility place, get in touch with their director and have them email me to get added to the list. It’s 100% free for guests unless they feel like tipping my guest performers. My mom and aunt have never taken any money 💰 for their ministry and I am doing the same with mine 💜. Any extra dollars donated will go right back to making the concert series better for our Veterans and First Responders and eventually covering travel costs for our annual in person event (including medical symposium to help improve how people with mental illness are treated in medical facilities and in the work place from top level medical providers around the globe 🌎).

Ramona Patterson

If you love Veterans and First Responders, you can donate via Zelle right now using my email account erin@themovehappy.com. Moneys received will be used to cover the costs to have the non profit possible (i.e. internet, housing for me to host and eventually a building once the pandemic opens up, mic equipment for musicians and lighting equipment to help it look professional, and any other costs once we can begin traveling like covering flight and hotel costs for musicians and guests). Check out the website here. I’d love to keep it intimate online as audience members not only are entertained they are able to connect with other guests too. We are in conversations about a TV opportunity 💜. Will post more details when I am legally able to 💜.

I am excited to announce Warrant Officer Nicole Burney accepted the position of President of the Non Profit to help us maintain accountability for our Veterans, as well as respecting diversity and gender equality for each concert experience and any future in person events we offer. We are looking for 2-3 board members. Please email me your interest to erin@themovehappy.com. This will help us transform from a general non profit to a 501c3 status more easily I believe. My preference is someone with experience running a non profit but not required. If you have a financial background that is also helpful but not required.

Nicole Burney

Must Know #5: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏 Know how can Move Happy®️ can help you add more meditation to your day.

I’m super pumped to share about a program I designed in one of the most sensitive populations in the world, a locked psychiatric hospital. The Move Happy Facilitator Program©️ is 16 weeks long and incorporates journaling, group discussion and workouts with minimal equipment. We incorporate affirmation mantras during the warm up and the warm down that are highly meditative. Additionally the journaling time is also a form of meditation. I designed a happiness scale and patients self reported higher levels of happiness as well as improved fitness. They also spread word around the entire hospital and I was getting patients enrolled in the group from staff recommendations or being “voluntold” to join to help improve their mood!

You can purchase 1 copy here and 30% of your purchase will go back to a mental health org of your choice and 10% will go back to your local chapter of Big Brothers and Big Sisters (simply email me your receipt and preferred links to donate to). If you run a large organization and would like to discuss multiple licensing options please email (erin@themovehappy.com) to discuss.

So there you have it folks. Meditation is powerful, it can help build relationships, help you earn more income and help you improve your overall health. Meditation should be practiced regularly and consistently for the most optimal results. Whether you are an adult or a child, you can receive benefits. You do not have to sit still to meditate, walking meditation is one of the most preferred from a poll I took this past week on Linkedin. The key is to be present, get all 5 senses involved if possible and be easy on yourself if your thoughts get distracted.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s blog. It would mean the world to me if you loved it, if you’d share it with someone you care about.

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today