This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Rico Act By Erin Nicole. I speak about organized criminals and how this law provides protections t the victims. Parents please preview as I discuss rape and violence. If it adds value to you, please donate any amount you feel led here: and money will be used for housing for me if these black hat leaders keep delaying this meeting. I am a veteran spouse with zero support because they tried to kill my husband and me last year and he had no good option to keep me alive. Being married into the presidential security team currently provides zero rights for the veteran spouse and no record of your marriage to protect the integrity of America incase anyone would capture you and hold you hostage for information. I’m believing our Commander-In-Chief will change some of those laws when he gets back in office after tracing the 3 years of illegal activities done towards me from the Deep State Illuminati cult. Choose ❤️ its the most powerful force in the world.