Have you ever heard the saying, “God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th day He rested?” If you have, you know that this is one of the foundational truths that was the beginning of taking a day off of work each week to be reminded of His infinite goodness. We are assigned to rest 1 day a week from Him, those that believe in Him and choose to worship Him. Sadly in this time and place in the world as I write this there are too many rich people that have been stealing from the poor forcing the majority of the world population to work multiple jobs, 12-14 hour shifts or more and they aren’t able to take a day off to worship because they are in slavery to their government or the heightened prices of bad economies.

My hope for you with this blog is to remind you of His goodness as He asked me to write this for you. My hope is to remind you to begin to start thinking outside of the box in regards to how you can remain faithful to Him and be honorable to your bosses or employers. My hope for you is that you might become ignited again if you’ve been feeling stressed and hopeless about the state of the world. Jesus came that we might have an abundant life. Big positive changes are coming very soon. Remain faithful and never tire of doing good. If you stay all the way to the end you’ll hear about our latest service project for Veterans and First Responders you can get involved with 🎶 ♥️.

Key Step #1 in Keeping The Sabbath Day Holy: Spend Time With Him Regularly And Consistently

The more we draw near to Him, the more He draws near to us (James 4:8-10). If you have a family, job, school, etc life can get pretty hectic. We get it. The more time we spend with the Father consistently the more He opens up the floodgates of heaven and pours blessings of abundance and prosperity over our lives. The problem many have is getting caught up in other’s opinions of how they should be spending their time, the needs of the children, or elderly parents etc. No one has a cookie cutter response for you because every family dynamic is different.

Personally, I had to sacrifice a lot of time from my family and friends in the past few years when the Father assigned me this global Life Mission: To Help Empower People To Find Happiness From Within And To Help End Depression Worldwide. I didn’t ask the Father for this mission. I asked Him how can He use me and my gifts in my most vulnerable state crying out to Him as I had a very bad experience around a bicep implant for birth control. I had lost all rational thought and my hormones were out of wack, my first boyfriend since the fiancé had kicked my toosh out of the house via text message after he committed domestic violence and swore in front of our therapist that he agreed to do a 6-month trial separation and didn’t keep his word, first bf after that loser had broken up with me.

He was very nice about it and encouraged me to move across the country as my family member was in crisis going through a divorce and switching from everyday parent to every other weekend parent. The Father revealed my purpose in that moment of desperation for me and showed me the 3 pillars of Move Happy®️. Back then it was called Affirm Queen LLC. He showed me visions in my bedroom of the 3 pillars of Move Happy®️ being: Mindset Community Fitness and showed me an annual event for people with depression we would be hosting with a variety of faiths, musical styles, and big time public speakers speaking about His love.

His presence was so strong and unforgettable. I didn’t know how to write blogs back then. I barely knew how to post on social media besides Facebook. I knew my assignment so I began teaching myself everything I didn’t know, I got the implant removed, moved across the country, started listening to successful leaders that were top on the SEO for growing a business on a budget, while working full-time remotely and haven’t forgotten what He showed me very specifically. I haven’t taken 1 Sabbath Day off of this Assignment because I spend all day everyday with Him and this Mission was so BIG and His Healing of my mind was so HUGE that it has drawn me to help as many people as possible not give up today, tomorrow, not ever.

I suffered off and on for 18 years of suicidal ideations being a survivor of childhood sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, and neglect abuse. I suffered from rape in college from our own US military and wasn’t protected by first responders which caused PTSD and the college didn’t support me at all they didn’t know how to support me and others like me because the Father assigned ME to help the world change how text books are written for people with depression.

So far I’ve developed 52 alternative therapies in my 37 short years of life and the Father whispered to me yesterday that I’ll be creating over 1,000+ therapies in my lifetime which will be translated into textbooks, taught in universities and colleges all over the world, taught in businesses, taught in hospital settings, taught on television, wherever He assigns the therapies to be taught. The Enemy thought they could destroy millions if not billions of people in the world through the Pandemic but The Creator of The Universe turns the enemies plans around for His Purpose For Our Lives. Do not give up whatever you do. Reach out and help others if you can and ask for help if you need it. If people don’t help you, keep asking others and see how you can help spread love.

Key Step #2 in Keeping The Sabbath Day Holy: Say No To Jobs, People, And Commitments That Are Out Of Alignment With His Purpose For You

This one is a big one in my book. I haven’t been afraid to turn down jobs or working for poor leaders. I do not associate with people that commit crimes. I cannot be associated with criminals because I am a descendent of King David who slayed Goliath and Jesus Christ came through the bloodline. His blood flows through my veins and it says in the scriptures to stay away from evil and stay near to the Father (Psalm 37:1-40, Psalm 91:1-16, Matthew 6:13, Luke 10:19, Psalm 121:7, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 6:9-13, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 23:1-6, Matthew 11:28, Isaiah 58:9, Matthew 18:20, James 5:16, Philippians 3:14, Isaiah 55:8, James 4:2, Philippians 4:6-7, Luke 1:74, Psalm 69:30-31, 2:Timothy 2:22-23, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 2:6-8, 2 Corinthians 10:4, Hebrews 11:1-40, 1 Corinthians 11:1-2, Isaiah 55:1-13, etc Source here).

There have been many people from this evil satanic cult that has grown like poisonous mold and spread around the whole earth. They have many names I am certain but the ones that kept trying to get me to join their cult since the Father assigned me this Life Mission in 2018 called themselves Illuminati. They would send me messages in the DMs on Instagram and Facebook. They wanted me to join their group but refused to tell me about their group unless I joined. I told them that is the definition of a cult no thank you. They kept trying in 2018, 2019, and by the end of 2019 they sent a PhD in Divinity, a former NFL Cheerleader, sold her music to Aerosmith at 7 years old, her mother was friends with the lead singer of Earth Wind and Fire, she claimed to be a suicide hotline 911 angel.

She studied my content over a year and stalked me. She reached out trying to be a volunteer for this Move Happy®️ mission for annual events because I had been talking about it since 2018 and in 2020 all the big pharmaceutical companies copied the ideas the Father gifted to me and they spent their money 💰 hosting it and reached out to ME for MY NETWORK and didn’t pay me 😏.

The Father protected me from being involved in their crimes and profiting off the pains of the Plandemic. Boardmembers of the Mayo Clinic asked for MY NETWORK 😏.

That’s the supernatural favor of the Creator of The Universe.

I’m believing they’ll be funding our mental health research because they told me they would and if they don’t keep their word, they can all be tried for the RICO act as this PhD in Divinity worked with them all and she paid the President of the Defunded Blackwater Alumni who protects President Biden to have me killed, blocked my businesses from making money for 3 years, slandered my name to all existing associates and new relationships, illegally hacked into my devices and all the devices of my friends family and forced us into fear on purpose because she didn’t want me to win this contest they created and shared that I was nominated for in October 2020 that the Father had assigned to me in 2018: Global Mental Health Ambassadorship competition. First in history.

The failure on her part and all those people that chose to work with her is that they underestimated our US Military White Hats and my hero of 2020 protects our Commander-In-Chief and chose to protect me and listened to me, trusted me and didn’t judge me even though I was forced into homelessness from these evil Deep State Illuminati cult members.

Be on high alert this group is the same group that abduct children, harvest their organs for the rich, and the mega rich torture these children in private on Epstein Island and they tried to create a new one on Maui right under our noses America 🇺🇸. Maui was NOT Forest Fires. It was the White Hats using lasers to get the attention on the BIGGEST BLACK HATS IN THE WORLD THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EPSTEIN ISLAND. Of course they wanted me to join their nasty cult because Jesus Christ taught us to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30-31) and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Love is the most powerful force in the world and the Black Hats: aka that worship Lucifer, Baphamet, BAAL, the enemy tried to get me to join their cult so they could incriminate me if I ever tried to leave. Its like a gang only the worst gang of all, they profit off of sexualizing children (pedophilia is mental illness and we put those criminals away behind double locked doors and keep them off of the internet).

Over the last 3 years the White Hats have used me as bait to drag out all these rats that are profiting off of the children in America, committing capital crimes, you name it. They didn’t tell me that’s what they were doing. They blocked me from making money on purpose to protect me from being involved in the RICO act with all these criminals and they’ve traced all illegal activities 😏.

My hero of 2020 became my husband last year and asked to retire. They tried to kill us 19 days after we got married and on Easter Sunday that was the last time I got to see my husband, speak to my husband, and was forced to be kicked out of our house because the Blackwater Alumni Group on Biden’s side got bought out and they wanted SO BADLY to win this rigged contest and kept getting so jealous that people kept stepping up to help me like my hero. People were slandering my name and he stood up for me as the Father told him to in the shower and got on the Move Happy Movement Podcast©️ and Move Happy Movement Vlog©️ and I interviewed him as the unmarked soldier.

I didn’t tell him to or ask, he initiated ALL of it because he loved me. He never knew how bad the deep state was and how many people had been bought out until my nonprofit business partner that had been forced to disassociate from me for a YEAR called out of the blue after she had YELLED at me at the top of her lungs for no reason a year prior when I was moving out of her house as I paid her rent to sleep on her couch while I was rehabilitating from Safe Housing. She called and was asking questions about my husband but she already knew about him so he trained me very well not to speak about him at all to anyone.

It’s been very difficult marrying the King of the White Hats Security because ladies love to brag about our husbands and about how much we love them and its NORMAL CONVERSATIONS. But there was nothing normal about the decision I made to marry this man. He told me that life would be difficult for us and I might lose some friends and business associates because anybody can be bought out, he said in 2020: “EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE.” He was right.

He trained me the best for every single possible scenario that I might face. The Illuminati Deep State Cult tried to kill me 67 times since 2018 and they have failed every single time because the Father sends Warriors of Light in the physical realm to guard and protect me and He revealed to me that I have 1,250,000 angels that guard and protect me from every corner of the earth. Just one of His angels in the Old Testament slayed 185,000 men (2 Kings 19:35). There are 7.888 billion people in the world as of 2021 statistics so if we multiply 1,250,000 angels x 185,000 men that totals: 231,250,000,000 (or 231.2 Billion for all y’all who haven’t seen that many commas). Simple math states that the Father is guarding and protecting me because I have chosen to be obedient with sharing my Faith out loud about Jesus Christ and He is the only one who knows how many days I have left on this earth.

I decided when dad died in 2016 and I wasn’t able to have as much time with him as I had hoped because of a bad economy and being forced into slavery my entire life in America that I would NOT WASTE TIME IN JOBS THAT DIDNT VALUE ME AND FORCE ME TO WORK MORE THAN THEY ARE WILLING TO PAY. So the Creator of The Universe is honoring me very publicly in 2 days along with my hero of 2020 who became my husband last year because I have kept my commitment to His Life Mission for me even when evil people all in the name of a political contest tried to kill my husband and me when he requested to retire last year on American Soil.

They declared war when they did that and we’ve been waiting very patiently for the perfect time to rise up Warriors of Light. You cannot trust in the government or external circumstances but you can trust in the Heavenly Father to help you when you ask Him to. He will draw near to you as you draw near to Him.

Since posting this photo earlier this week the Deep State Illuminati tried to have me killed 3 more times but my Warriors of Light have squashed their plans 🇺🇸 ♥️ #Grateful

Key Step #3 in Keeping The Sabbath Day Holy: Keep Focused On Him And Not Desiring What Others Project As Happiness On Social Media Or Television

You might have heard this one a few times on social media. If you hear or read things that leaders say on repeat, that might be the Father trying to get you a message through humans. Trust it. Exodus 20:17 spoken from God through Moses states: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

Social media, television, and other mediums are tools that anyone can use for love and light or darkness and wrath. I was very drawn to Gary Vaynerchuck’s messaging in 2018 because he was at the top of the SEO for Google at the time when I had searched, “How To Grow A Business On A Budget.” I started consuming his content and even though he has claimed to not believe in God in some of his videos and believes in God in others, I know that the Father has used him on this one very specifically. He has said time and time again to not get too excited about the applause and not get too down from the haters. He says often to have compassion for those that are unkind to him and to his community because imagine what that person must be going through if they are insulting you publicly? I learned from his leadership how to operate social media platforms differently through his audiobook called: “Crushing It” that he released in 2019.

Social media changes often but what I really liked about his book was that he included real testimonials from real people in a variety of businesses at his speaking engagements and people sending in their real life testimony of how his methods helped them to grow their businesses in America and around the world. I got connected in his community very swiftly because I was reaching out to his inner circle and letting them know how I was applying Gary Vee’s methods in Move Happy®️ and wanted them to get invited if they would be interested to our world tour experience for free.

I quickly connected to DRock who then connected me to Dave Meltzer who used to own the largest sports marketing agency in the world and lost it all through bankruptcy and climbed back out of the wreckage and has a life mission to help 1000 people find happiness and those 1000 will find happiness and so on and so forth. His team invited me to be a part of his community and I was able to connect Dave’s team to the 2020 online experience about Depression that the Father assigned to me and got all these mega rich Pharma orgs to pay for it!

We’re talking Kennedy and Kennedy Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, and like 65 other BIG NAME Brands were included and they asked ME for MY NETWORK. I did my part and Gary Vaynerchuck and his team publicly acknowledged Move Happy®️ through his community question app when he got featured on Good Morning America in October 2020. The Father used Gary to help spread our branding around the whole earth without paid advertising at that point because I didn’t have the money.

Jesus states that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, He will move mountains for you (Matthew 17:20-21). My faith is much BIGGER than a mustard seed so the Father has been able to use me and continue using me even when the richest of the richest people in the world tried to have me killed, slandered me, tried to prostitute me, hacked into my bank and used satellite interceptions to get it in the negative by -$6000+ after trying to kill my husband and me (2 ministers). I made it out of that through the community of real friends that the Father sent to me to protect me when my husband was ordered not to talk to me at all because of the evil people that had told lies about our Commander-In-Chief.

I haven’t given up loving my husband. I haven’t given up this assignment. I haven’t been drawn to desire what TV or Social Media “Influencers” have tried to sway me on. They even tried to pay me to be on a “Stealth Platform” and use my gifts to record my coaching methods and pay me in gift cards so then they could steal my ideas and make more money by sending me an opportunity through their Illuminati Cult Businesses by illegally adding the Move Happy Movement Podcast©️ onto the Listen Notes platform and claim that I was in the top 10% of all podcast shows.

Then when I started sharing the TRUTH they illegally hacked in and removed me off that platform (illegal federal crimes), removed our podcast off of platforms that I had added it to (IHeartRadio, Spotify, iTunes,etc) (more illegal federal crimes) to try and get me upset because its the polarization of our American Political Leaders and their animosity towards one another and the poor leadership in power that is doing it. Cyber crimes are real and demonic spirits are real. Jesus said to drop everything and follow me. I haven’t been moved by these A-holes. My husband and his Warriors of Light have been tracing ALL ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES and full restitution will be coming in 2 days 😏. Ladies don’t marry a wussy, marry a warrior 👊.

Key Step #4 in Keeping The Sabbath Day Holy: Honor Your Mother And Father

Even if you didn’t have the greatest parents you came from the Father still states to honor them for they gave you life. Its one of the 10 commandments. I was very moved by Joyce Meyer’s Testimony I had heard around 2012 from my pastor Joel Osteen’s church. At that time I was working 5 part-time jobs and had just graduated from my masters program at Oregon State University. I had been blessed with full tuition remission and a monthly stipend to help cover the costs of my degree by teaching myself how to teach college level and faculty/staff fitness classes in front of my students and customers.

I had created Project Asthma and spent all year on it in graduate school and was invited to present it to all AAHPERD (now called SHAPE America) health teachers, physical education teachers, recreational therapists, and dance instructors at a multi-state regional conference but the economy was so terrible they wanted me to pay their membership fees, pay to fly there, pay the conference fee, then not pay me to teach my creation that I worked all year on for elementary age students 5th grade level to increase awareness for asthma and decrease bullying of children and young adults with medical conditions.

I did not have any musical degrees or dance degrees and was royally disrespected by the rich that steal from the poor but the Father of all of us has ways of using our stories to bless our futures when we honor Him and honor our parents.

I was a “step mom” of teenagers at that time right after graduate school and had a guaranteed teaching contract in the school district I grew up in but they RIF’d me then called me a day or 2 before the school year started at a demoted FTE for no reason other than “Budget Cuts” and legal loopholes to continue being cheap towards teachers. I had applied to maybe 500 or more jobs that summer and no bites so I didn’t want to take this job as it was 90 minutes each way but I didn’t have any other options.

Then job after job started opening up part-time around the state of Washington I eventually had 5 part-time jobs by Christmas 2012 and had lost 1 of them as I was working at a Chiropractor’s office as a personal trainer and they were losing clients left and right and I drove 45 minutes each way and they didn’t want to pay me for the drive time to get to their building if their customers canceled last minute. Working in a recession is no joke.

The Father uses all things to bring us back to Him. Sometime during that year or the following spring we had a suicide in the family, my eldest step daughter’s boyfriend. She had made a full commitment to the Father and decided to cut the tie to him as he wasn’t respecting her wishes to remain pure as her newfound religious beliefs convicted her of. She got baptized and asked her parents to be able to attend a private school and we all began attending church together, praying over meals, and received regular therapy from my partner’s biological father who was a licensed therapist in California and worked with celebrities mainly. I had emailed my parents and brothers my internal struggles at that time around suicidial ideations and was tired of the constant strain my abuser had on our entire family and the cycles we all kept going in to solve his crises that he caused.

I laid out the truth of the abuse and said we need to stop helping him get out of crises he needs to step up and be an adult. My middle brother sent me Joyce Meyer’s testimony and I heard her speak about the rape her father had done to her for like 15 years starting as a young child. She spoke about the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ and how she was a simple uneducated person with only a 12th grade degree but He could use her so He could use any of us. The seed had been planted.

I knew one day I would be speaking on stages like she was even though the thought of speaking on stages back then terrified me. I knew He would equip me in His timing. We are 2 days away from signing contracts with all POTUS, FLOTUS, Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Tony Robbins, Sage Robbins, and My Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen ♥️. I’ll be getting my husband back and I’ll also be crowned along with my husband as the first in history: Global Mental Health Ambassador and Chief Spiritual Officer of America 🇺🇸 with official Chaplain Certifications of All Military Branches, 14 honorary PhDs from the BEST of the BEST Universities, paid a $1,000,000 Annual Salary USD Tax-Free, and all Major Nations (87) around the world will be each paying $100,000,000 USD Tax Free annually to Erin Nicole Ministries to have access to the therapies, music, and some of my spiritual gifts.

We’ll be publicly showing our money of where it comes from and where it goes to as the Father loves when we are transparent and truthful. By my 40th birthday my husband and I will be living off of 10% and giving away 90% of our income to helping the poor, paying for proper research to be conducted on our therapies, paying for proper musical recordings to be produced for the songs about love that He gifted me, and pay for proper advertising and whatever He tells me we’ll be spending it on.

My biggest heart is for our Veterans and First Responders that are struggling right now with their suicidal ideations and their children that are impacted. There are many veterans that are homeless in America while all these mega rich people in the last 3 years could have helped me but chose not to; many of them identified as Christians. Actions speak louder than words.

I was invited to the richest private church group of 10,000 Christians from all over the world sometime in 2021 and the top man in charge of that group was in attendance at our final concert for veterans and first responders that I organized for free including a previous superbowl performer from my network (of which these Deep State People have bulled to dissociate from me), judge and former C-Level Executive of Costco that are Divorce Care Facilitators at their church spoke on the Power of Marriage, one of my vocal clients and former co-workers at the Psychiatric Hospital where Move Happy®️ was first birthed had shared her music.

What this head person of the richest christian prayer group on LinkedIn didn’t realize was that President Trump, our Commander-In-Chief was in attendance also and witnessed this man choose not to help me when I reached out to help feed the poor of which this rich organization said was the assignment from the Lord above all Lords. That man sadly is a Chaplain of the US Army and was abusing his powers of position to do Linkedin lives and wasted a LOT of my time blocking me from helping to feed the poor, most certainly because he is involved in the Deep State Illuminati and pretends to be a Christian.

Jesus said the last shall be first and the first shall be last, drop everything and follow me, it will be much easier for a camel to get into the eye of needle than it will be for the rich to inherit the Kingdom of God (Matthew 19:30, Matthew 4:19-20, Matthew 19:24).

My husband predicted to me in 2020 that the next world war wouldn’t be Nation against Nation but the rich against the poor. He was so right. They have been testing it in America to see how bad it can get and see how many deep state members there are in every organization publicly showing as ‘good.’ Its been very terrible for me but I’m not dead yet. 2 days left of the most eye opening experience for me. I’ve had long suffering my entire life being a woman who grew up in the hood and was sexually abused from a family member from 3-7 years of age in private and in secret without any support from my parents because we didn’t have a talkative household and I was never listened to growing up (neglect).

Its been very challenging keeping my commitment to honor my father and mother as God commanded me to do but He leads my life first and foremost and had they never married, I wouldn’t have been here. Had the pain not happened in my childhood, the White Hats would not have had reason to pick me and protect me. They do not believe in the abuse of children or women at all. They love family units. They picked President Trump to get rid of all the Deep State Illuminati members through proper evidence and court systems.

The problem is that many of these rich people have paid judges, first responders, politicians, celebrities, musicians, the works to continue harming the children of the world and they pay cyber security people to hack into websites and scrub the data quickly if anyone shares the truth. The Father does not like when any of his children are being harmed. He has used my pain to His greater purpose to help spread His love around the whole earth and obliterate the evil of the world.

Its not a Democratic vs Republican issue, its a family issue. We need to ban together to fight against these nasty 🤮 rich people that are getting away with capital crimes. Honor your mother and father and if they are sexually abusing you, my heart and prayers go out to you. That is not what the Father intended at all. He gifted me some scriptures yesterday while on my walk where I released: “Self Determination Theory” Move Happy Movement Podcast©️. Its unexplainable how He works.

I am being healed of the brain damage that sexual abuse in my childhood and physical verbal emotional abuse caused on my mind. One of the verses he revealed to me from the spiritual realm was: Amos 2:5-7 which states in vs 7b “father and son use the same girl and so profane my holy name.” There are many nations that have been involved in the sexualizing of children and women because they are secretly worshipping Baphamet, BAAL, and have Asherah Poles of which they worship and prostitute their women to their gods.

The Father has gifted me the spiritual gift of prophecy which He states in the Bible is better than speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14: 1-12). The painful thing for me is that He reveals the top level leader names of the Black Hats that are profiting off the children and women of the world in sex slavery, selling of organs to the mega rich, torturing of children on private islands and drinking of their blood to stay looking younger. It’s a powerful gift but its also very painful for me because I do not want to have these visions.

My ancestor, King David, wrote much of the book of Psalms and he stated in there that we shall not want (Psalm 23:1-6). He honored His Father Jesse even though His Father didn’t think He could amount to anything when the spiritual leaders of the time had searched all over to anoint the next king. He was a teenager when he fought Goliath. He was the youngest in his family just like me. He was a musician just like me. He honored His Father and I have done that through Move Happy®️ as it was birthed through the death of my father and the kindness of strangers that helped me grieve, serve, and create 5 alternative therapies in under 12 months in a locked psychiatric hospital and earn a promotion that my boss told me no one in 30 years was ever even interviewed for without a license in therapy. He swiftly moves His Children to the front of the line and cuts down timelines that the World Says are projected lengths of time when we keep our commitments to honoring our parents even when they aren’t perfect towards us.

Key Step #5 in Keeping The Sabbath Day Holy: Choose To Love Everyone No Matter How They Choose To Treat You

I gotta be honest, I am a definite work in progress on this one. Since 2018 I have survived 67 death attempts from the Deep State Illuminati Cult that paid President Clinton to have me killed. I am trying my best to love my enemies as Jesus told us to do but it is not easy doing that. Doing is easier said than done. It has been difficult sharing the last 3 years with anyone as I have learned as I share bits and pieces of what I have gone through with friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family, etc they get terrified of what I have had to live through chronic fear on purpose from the richest of the richest evil people of the world that had marked me for death because I refused to join their satanic cult and they signed a contract with the top security team that protects President Biden and I couldn’t do anything about it other than to trust that my Warriors of Light were lookin out for me and trust that the Father of all of us knows how many days I have on this earth and to trust in His plans and purpose for all this pain.

I don’t desire to die anytime soon. I desire to have a full abundant joyful life feeding the poor, ministering to the sick, singing music to top White Hat leaders and their families at free events for Veterans and First responders, and being able to receive basic medical treatment for my needs and healthy food to nourish me. I haven’t asked for anything major in my life ever because I have followed the 10 commandments as best as I know how by focusing on the 2 most important ones that Jesus said to focus on: Love God and Love People.

I have had to experience the most fake people in the last 3 years that claim to love Jesus but behind my back were stealing my musical ideas and therapies and trying to take credit for the HOPE Act and execute it in society that the Lord above all Lords assigned to me to share with our top level leadership to help turn our economy around. I have had to witness my friends that are in the military Active Duty right now, spouses with parents that are Chiefs be forced to disassociated from me because of slander told about me all in the name of a terrible contest I have been forced to compete with liars and thieves.

I do not compete against liars cheats and murderers. I haven’t wanted to do that but the Creator of the Universe assigned me this very big Life Mission in 2018: To Help Empower People To Find Happiness from within so He created the need for mental health services for all the world at once as a result of the Plandemic and the ramifications of it. I have had to compete against the richest of the rich people that begged me to be associated with them, so badly so they had to send a PhD of a fake ministry to try and con me to join their cult after I refused to join it 2 years running.

The Father of all of us does not like when His children are being harmed. He fights my battles for me and He sent me Warriors of Light that have been witness to 3 years of what it is like being a woman trying to grow a business in America 🇺🇸 from low Socioeconomic Status and just how jacked up our processes are for the poor to make livable wages because of all the traitors that sold our information overseas and all the evil nasty people that work in our government and the military and force women to do sexually inappropriate things for protections.

I was forced to perform oral sex in October 2020 otherwise I would have been killed from the President of the Blackwater Group after I had made a call to the non-emergency line for a former veteran that was in the act of planning to kill his own mother. I tried to get him a welfare check but the police department erased the phone call then this man told me to call the Sheriffs and came to my house and forced himself upon me because MANY people had planned to kill me, slander me, ruin my reputation all because I refused to join their cult and they used him brand new in his position to get it done because they knew his weaknesses and he was a married man.

I didn’t know he was married and I was AFRAID FOR MY LIFE IN AMERICA. A Christian Woman. UNACCEPTABLE. He caused my problems to be WORSE because that veteran had illegally added listening devices in my computer and heard it ALL and was going to kill me after trying to get me involved in illegal drug activities. American military has shamed me. I don’t want to live here anymore after the last 3 years of hell I have been forced into.

I married my hero who actually respected me and didn’t try to force me to do anything sexually inappropriate. He trained me that our military actually forces women soldiers in SEAR School to be raped to prepare them for wartimes. I would like to have 100% Full Military Disability for the 3 year illegal contract that was signed about me blocking me from receiving money in America, the forced spy services Biden’s team used me as without asking my permissions, and the constant hacking in of my devices anytime the Blackwater Team So Chose to Control Me From This Assignment The LORD ASSIGNED ME TO DO.

No one stops the purposes and plans the Lord has over our lives. I married my hero of 2020 last year and my husband asked to retire which is our religious freedom right (review Deuteronomy 24:5: “When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken).” Because of this mental health ambassador contest, instead of honoring our religious freedoms, they destroyed my nonprofit business relationship and 7 year friendship with a black female warrant officer of the US Army who served over 20 years of service and forced her to call me and illegally traced the phone call committing treason on American Soil.

They tried to kill my husband and I after he asked to retire and it took 107 high ranking officers of the Deep State and they still couldn’t found us so they just abused their powers and threatened a black female Active Duty officer and destroyed my business relationship and friendship in the process. They tried to get the White Hats upset with me over their own animosities towards one another.

The Lord has had enough of the rich abusing their powers. After our Commander-In-Chief gets back into office a woman will be President of the United States of America. Mark my words. Where is the restitution for all the families that have been torn a part because of the Plandemic? M Sue Wilson Law Offices wrote a blog about the Covid-19 Divorce rates with actual figures. They found in 2019 that 11% of couples that had been married 5 years or less sought divorce and a rise in 20% in 2020 during the shutdown. King 5 News reported in July 2020 that 1 in 4 customers that were coming in were experiencing a divorce. SA Attorneys Organization posted a blog in September 2020 that said there was a serge of divorces as early as March in China because of the shutdown and reasons for divorce carried but many involved domestic violence.

It makes it difficult to be hateful towards the first responders that ignored and erased my phone call to the non emergency line because they were bombarded by evil rich people around the whole earth that decided it would be a good idea to release diseases of biological warfare and tell us all the cure was a jab for diseases they created which would actually cause medical conditions in normally healthy adults and kill off the young and elderly and vulnerable populations. It wasn’t the first responders fault that this veteran went into complete psychosis and tried to kill his own mother. None of them checked in on me but word was sent to the Presidential Security Team of our Commander-In-Chief because of the President of the Blackwater Alumni Group that got a free seat to my Rich Happy Therapy®️ experience and got to meet all my associations that showed up for me in October 2020.

Although his leaders tried to use him to use me to cheat again and damage a good leader’s reputation by using me as a spy as the military had done in the 30s and 40s with other musicians, the Lord caused them all to be used by me and His purpose for my life. We are choosing to forgive the President of the Defunded Blackwater Alumni Group that came to my home and provided me 2 days of security detail protections and when he had to go “Off Coms” to DC he sent his 2nd in command whom he served 2 tours overseas. We are going to forgive this man that was paid over 800-850 acres 6 months later to ask me to perform oral sex in public during the day in Nashville, TN. We are going to keep it discrete and never say his name because he signed a blood contract to keep me alive and did the right thing and sent me to Trump’s top security man because he knew if he didn’t take her money then she would have paid someone else to get it done and she had told me that she had access to all the money in the world.

This man saved my life by his actions and although his leaders told him to cover up the truth, I wrote my autobiography: Choosing Joy – How To Slay Your Enemies Through Love, stating the truth earlier this year on my off weeks of how Biden and Trump’s security teams worked together to keep me alive against the Deep State Illuminati and we have a contract with Trinity Broadcasting Network to advertise the book to 2 billion households world wide once contracts are signed in 2 days.

I am not keeping any of the money of the sales of this book but instead am repurposing it towards The Hope Foundation to help pay for the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of all the security teams that protect America from the real evil people of the world and lost a lot of their funding when stupid people thought it would be a good idea to defund our veterans and first responders. I could easily be angry and demand for justice for all the men that used me and committed treason in America but I am choosing love.

I don’t know how we’ll get the money to these families and keep it private to protect their family privacy but I am not concerned about the how. Where there is a will, there is a way. The Lord allowed me to write the book in the manner of hours and I’ve made 18 or so revisions and have 1 more version to add a 100% Disabled Veteran that helped me last fall when the Illuminati Deep State had targeted my bank account illegally and tried to get me framed with all the J6 people by sending me a fake job opportunity. I was completely stripped of all finances, the bank teller yelled at me at the top of her lungs that she was going to make sure I couldn’t open a bank account in any of their networking banks and she was going to personally make sure my social security number was marked for money laundering crimes. I was the victim of cyber warfare and filed the crimes with the FBI after executing for free: Real Entertainment Therapy Experience®️ 2.0 and had 225,000 on the invite list for free as it was designed to help improve the treatment of people and patients with depression that service our veterans and first responders.

This veteran had just been separated after 12 years of service I believe and was working part-time in a gas station to stay busy. It was in walking distance from my first place I had gotten for myself since the forced separation from my husband and a few moves. He didn’t judge my circumstances and gave me the name of the owner and when to come in and speak to him about getting hired. Then I ended up working with him at the Oak Grove Gaming and Racing Facility shortly there after as he didn’t like working there but didn’t want to disrespect that man in his establishment. He explained to me that his children had to get pulled from their school on post when he was separated because its federally funded and the children are not eligible because of his change from Active Duty Status to Retired. I asked him if he would like to be included in the book and thanked him for his help in my time of emergency needs. He said his last name would be fine so before we go to print we’ll add that in the final copy.

When I started recording the truth about last fall the Deep State Illuminati hacked into the bank and erased records that I ever had an account there and pretended like they didn’t get my nonprofit bank account shut down but the Lord knows all your names and He fights my battles for me. I’m choosing to love my enemies as best I can but it hasn’t been easy to say the least. The more time I spend in solitude, in scriptures, dancing and praising my savior, the stronger He equips me for battles of the mind.

Want To Get Involved In Helping Veterans and First Responders Through Our Nonprofit Arm: Erin Nicole Ministries?

Since we are 2 days from signing contracts I am believing will happen and I’ll be reunited with my husband after a year and a half of separations and full restitutions for all the J6 people that were falsely arrested without due process, many of which were stripped of their families with zero contact, we’ll need a special event to bring unity back to America. This is my service project that the Father of all of us assigned to me to get organized.

We need A-List musicians to step up and donate their time. War is coming to America very soon I know it because my husband protects our Commander-In-Chief and he’s the top man of all security people in the world and they tried to kill the top man last year and destroy a Holy Nonprofit that the Father assigned to me in the process. They declared war on Christians and there are many that believe in Christ in America, 70% according to Bill O’Reiley who wrote “Killing Jesus.”

The Father gives me the gift of prophecy and reveals important numbers, dates, and people to me involved in the harming of the children of the world. November 17th 2023 the internet in America will be shut off and all phone lines will not work, both cell phones and land lines. Many will be killed and I desire for love to be spread around the world and for unity to come to all Americans but so many are involved in the Deep State the US Military and the Warriors of Light from around the world are siphoning off the evil and dragging out the rats 🐀 that are involved in the capital crimes against children.

I believe the White Hats are going to do it November 17 or around that date and this will cause massive panic in American Citizens and all the Illegals that have been transported by Islamic Extremists to take over America while distracting us with the War in Israel to remove our sturdiest of troops off of our land so they can rape our women and children. It is time for Warriors to rise up and prepare for war. We have over 16 million veterans Nation-Wide. Spread the message to anyone.

Our musical experience is something hopeful with or without the internet access exclusively for FREE for our Warriors of Light White Hats only in an undisclosed location. Everyone will desire to be invited in person to this event as it’ll be a safe and hopeful place of joy, fun, entertainment for our Warriors that keep America protected from invasions.

The rigged election and fake media that has said Trump has committed crimes was all distractions from the Deep State Illuminati Cult that has been the plans of the enemy for a long time. We had zero wars when Trump was in power because he is a good business man and he has money so he hires the best Warriors of Light that protect families, women and children.

The Father revealed to me yesterday that Matthew Broderick will be the MC for our event so I’m believing that our Warriors of Light will make it happen. I read a bit of his bio and his ancestor was an unmarked military person of WWI and he paid to discover his ancestor’s name and get it on his gravestone. I didn’t know him that well by name until I looked him up and was reminded that he was the main actor in Ferris Bueler’s Day Off and many other great hits and is married to Sarah Jessica Parker.

I believe my husband’s Warriors of Light will help make this happen and my former friend that’s worked with A List musicians will be reaching out to his contacts to spread the message and get A-List musicians to join in as none of them will be able to have access to their money when the banks are controlled by the internet and the internet will be shut down.

Many A List musicians are involved in the Deep State Illuminati as they tried to get me to join their cult then paid to have me killed when I refused so the Father gave me the idea to get them to donate their services for free to prove that they’re not involved in the Deep State Illuminati and/or allow them His great mercy by publicly participating for FREE in this history making experience.

He revealed to me earlier this year that my vision and purpose for this year was in multiple languages. I didn’t understand so I had to look it up, one of the things He revealed from Heaven was that I was going to “Interrupt TV” and I believe this free concert for White Hats, Veterans and First Responders and their families will be it. I’m believing that all the details will be hashed out by those that have those skills and money and I’ll be able to show up and sing original music that my husband and I wrote together and bring hope to the world. I’m believing that the USO will have it connected to every Airport and radio station for all Active Duty Military to be able to hear how many of us appreciate our Veterans and First Responders and that the Father would be glorified through it all.

He told me that any live in person or online event that I host I would announce at the beginning that I worship the Holy Trinity and He’ll continue giving me an outstanding future spreading His love around the whole earth. If you would like to be a part of this experience and donate your skills, talent, or money please reach out directly to us and email us at our nonprofit arm: Erin Nicole Ministries.

Once we have contracts signed with all POTUS, FLOTUS, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Sage Robbins, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, Joel and Victoria Osteen, the United States Marine Veteran that was a part of the original Move Happy®️ group therapy we developed, my mom middle bro, husband and the president of the Blackwater Alumni Group of Biden’s Team signing accountability contracts that he will never cheat on his wife again in honor of the government assignments, then I’ll be opening my email accounts. Until then thank you for your patience.

I haven’t seen my husband in a year and a half with zero contact because of lies told about me, him, and Donald Trump, and death threats to me and my husband, so we’ll respond after some alone time together.

Anyone not invited to this experience is more than likely involved in the Deep State as the enemy has to stay away from the light and is full of shame. The Father loves all of us and sent His only Son to die a horrible death after living a perfect life as our example of how to live ours. He desires for us to choose Him but allows us free will to do it. Anyone can repent and come back to Him. There is no sin that is too big for Him to forgive. Choose love.

So there you have it folks. Keeping the Sabbath Day is Holy but why not invite Him into every facet of our lives? We can have an incredible outstanding life if we remember Whom we belong to and are not swayed by the things of this world. You might have to switch a job or two to get the freedom of your religion respected. You might have to turn down a man or two before you find your King that will bring you closer to the King of the World Jesus Christ. Focus on Him and He’ll guide your every step. I’m going to leave you with some encouragement from Jesus’ mouth: The 8 Beatitudes were the blessing declarations that He spoke in Matthew 5:3-12. “

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” This is the NIV Translation from Bible Gateway.

They have tested me in this contest and I keep putting Jesus first place and the commands from the Holy Spirit guiding my every step. Might you all reading this be comforted, receive mercy, and receive His peace no matter how difficult life seems for you. Blessings shalom 🙏 ♥️

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today