On today’s episode I interview the Co-Founder of Self-Pause, an Affirmation App that’s been featured on: Fox News, NBC News, Digital Journal, ABC News, and CBS News!

I’m honored he took time today despite having a sick wife to share value to you. Here is a little bit about his bio from Linkedin:

“‘Professional business growth strategist. A community creator with a love of design and building movements. Strictly dedicated to the mantra that it’s not about “What You Do” it’s about “Why You Do It”.’

If you’re a pregnant woman new to giving birth you should listen. If you’re a person dreaming of a bigger future for yourself, you should listen. 

Also stay all the way to the end to hear about the Listening Room Experience Contest!

If we have added any value to you, it would mean the world to me if you’d like, share, subscribe and review the show on iTunes and maybe write a few sentences and share it on social media.

Thank you!

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today