This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: “EHT®️ With Erin Nicole.” It is about a mind supplement that has helped me with my depression and angst. It is a good product developed by outstanding researchers (father and son) out of Signum Biosciences and endorsed by Dr. Daniel Amen. It is not for everyone because all our brains have different chemistries but it has helped athletes in colleges and the National Institute of Health (NIH) paid the father and son to present their research findings from our honest testimonials and our customer’s testimonials to present if it was helpful for Alzheimer’s Disease. Normally the NIH does not fund people but requires them to pay to be at their conferences but there research was so ground breaking they paid them and flew them and put them up in a nice hotel and was grateful they shared their research that I got to be a part of creating by selling their products from 2015-19 ish. I slowly started focusing more on Move Happy®️ as the Lord had given me my clear assignment and was working full time so I couldn’t represent their products anymore from a sales standpoint. The products are so good though I continue taking EHT®️ daily. Check out the sermon and order your own if you would like to try with a 30 day money back guarantee here: and if you would like to donate or tithe to our nonprofit for Veterans and First Responders donate any amount here: 35 days from today my husband and I will be reunited after a year and a half of zero contact because of all the wars going on. I’m believing I’ll see him soon and keep pressing on with this assignment from Above. Love you all ❤️