Have you ever heard of the saying, “dreams come true?” Well, I am here to tell you that the saying is true if you believe it and also false if you do not believe it. Your thoughts are one of the most powerful movers and shakers. It is up to us to take responsibility for what we allow into our mind, and what we allow out of our mouths and bodies. The following blog is hope-filled with real stories, real science, and real romance to keep you hopeful no matter how difficult life may seem for you. Don’t give up today, not tomorrow, not ever. I’m here to share living proof of dreams coming true to those who trust in Him. 22 days until I am reunited to my brand new husband โ™ฅ๏ธ. We married last March and on Easter Sunday we were stripped from one another because of wars and evil people’s bad tempers. I have had zero contact with him but I know that he still loves me and its all been a test to see whether or not we were the chosen ones for this big assignment in the world: Global Mental Health Ambassadors and Chief Spiritual Officers of America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ.

Dreams Come True Fact #1: People Will Create Positions For You If They Like You So Be Likable ๐Ÿ˜‰

This one is SO true! I can count many times when positions in my lifetime have been created for me because I was kind to people, their children, their parents, or their friends. My first memory of this was from my mom’s choir friend helping me learn how to care for children. I believe I was 8 or 9 years old. She desired to help me because my mom was nice to her and her husband. She allowed me to babysit her brand-new 12 month old and she was in the home down the hall with the baby monitor on. She was available if I had questions and she let me learn how to care for her baby boy even though I was still a child. That gave me a sense of confidence that I could do good even though I wasn’t the biggest talker back then. I was pretty mute.

The next memory of positions created for me was in junior high, in the 9th grade. My new friend, Anneliese had transferred into our school and we had 5 out of 6 classes together. We both sang and loved Mariah Carey. We started hanging out after school too and started singing around the school before classes in the mornings, during lunch, and during passing periods. We would pop into the attendance ladies office and sing them Christmas Carols and whatnot. We created our own position of musical entertainers around school ๐Ÿ˜‚. But sadly haters gonna hate. My bro’s best friend Daniel started talking to my bro about it telling his version of what he witnessed or what others were saying. Don’t let no body steal your joy. That friend Anneliese and me are still friends to this day and we both are doing outstanding things even though haters were jealous in the oppressive school environment because we created our own levels of happiness. Everyone has the choice of setting the mood. Hang out mood enhancers, not Debbie Downers ๐Ÿ˜†.

Next position that was created for me was in the Music Company Sophomore year. I was not automatically admitted into this Elite Group that met after school for an hour every day and the entire month of August 3 hour daily rehearsals and a week in jazz camp with Grammy Award Winning Composers and Choreographers. I was an alternate because a senior gal in the same part just happened to have a bad attitude and left the entire school district and that opened up a position for me. Had I not auditioned and Mr. Crouse had my paperwork and scoring sheet where I had scored the same as a senior in high school as a freshman going into my sophomore year, I never would have been invited to be an Alternate. At first, I hated that I was second choice, but when he explained that I scored the same as a senior gal and it was extremely tough to get in the group and my eldest bro encouraged me to say YES, I changed my attitude. Best life decision ever. I got to be immersed with top level performers for 3 years and we did an average of 40 performances per year all over the USA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ.

The next position I recall being created for me was in the pool ๐ŸŠโ€โ™€๏ธ with Jim Johnson. He was the aquatics manager and my instructor for swim instruction, which was a requirement for my Physical Education K-12 Certification Bachelors Degree. He gave me my first C in college ๐Ÿคฎ then he offered me a job ๐Ÿ˜‚. I guess C’s are good enough to work at the pool. So he got to see how well I worked and how honest I was. I told him about some people stealing ice cream from the youth swim team’s fundraising foods. I didn’t want to taddle on my co-workers so I asked my dad what to say to my boss to let him know. Dad said, “tell him to count the till every night for accountability.” Sure enough I did and a few weeks later he had us all sit on the bleachers and announced he was going to hire 3 managers for the pool for the school year and we had to write letters of intent on management. I didn’t write one. The following week he had typed up all the mangers and my colleague says to me, “Hey Erin congrats on getting a manger position. Well deserved.” I was like huh ๐Ÿค” I didn’t write a letter. She said, “you didn’t?! He must be really impressed by you then. Take it as a win!” That was the Father’s way of placing me in a position of leadership I believe even though I didn’t like being responsible for others. It turned out better than alright ๐Ÿ‘Š.

The next position I recall that was created for me was both necessary for the business as well as helping me pay my bills when I was in my final year of college. I was working 2 part-time jobs and student teaching and wasn’t getting proper sleep. I reached out to my first love from high school as his mom had a construction business. I asked him if he knew if she or his dad had work needs that I could help out in the office or something. I had worked for her part-time a few years before as a flagger/dispatcher and office person briefly. She hired me as an HR Manager and Safety Supervisor. I gave their family a shoutout in a previous blog. I haven’t talked to him in many years but no hard feelings that he broke up with me ๐Ÿ˜‚. He was a nice stepping stone to my dream man that I’ll talk about later in the blog…

There have been a few other positions created for me but the most fun ones have been the ones I have created for myself ๐Ÿ˜†. I always dreamed of being a professional singer and auditioned for all the famous tv shows but there are thousands and thousands of good singers that don’t make the cut. So I created my own online musical experience for veterans and first responders in 2021 to say thank you to all the security people that protected me when the Illuminati tried to get me to join their cult and I refused and they paid to have me killed #NotCool. All these major TV Shows sent their finalists to our launch year to feature them and to help entertain the veterans and first responders of America and Abroad. I was MC, IT Support, Marketing, and Closing Entertainment. It was all done while working full-time and rehabilitating from homelessness. We had at least 100 volunteers from 34 countries that stepped up to help us with the launch year. There were some haters that committed espionage and blocked invitations and tried to steal the ideas of our concert ๐ŸŽต series and even block military entertainers from joining because of the polarized division in America but I didn’t care. I couldn’t focus on what was going wrong. All I could do was be obedient to the assignment He gave me. We finished the launch year with guest attendees: Presidential Candidate Lee Rhodes, President Trump and Queen of Russia ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ Melania Trump โ™ฅ๏ธ with their cameras off and their name changed to not make any of the guest singers nervous. Not only did I make that dream come true, I didn’t keep any money ๐Ÿ’ฐ and got all these artists to show up for free for our veterans and first responders. They might have received some tips but it wasn’t required.

My favorite position that was created for me last year was and is wife. We were forced to separate because of the violence in our leadership but we will be reunited very soon I am believing. No one can keep me from him forever. The Lord said so and He leads my life.

Dreams Come True Fact #2: Skills Are Learnable And The Greater The Skill The Greater It Helps You Reach Your Dreams So Learn New Skills Often ๐Ÿ˜‰

Some people are born with natural gifts like singing, dancing, drawing, building things, mathematical equations, etc. Some have to work harder at learning skills. For example, I tried really hard not to get a smart phone for the longest time because of how I grew up. My faith system encourages us to be wise with our spending. However, after getting my masters degree paid for by teaching university fitness classes and the following year getting laid off of my guaranteed teaching job, it made me concern myself about doing the same ol same ol. I ended up having 5 part-time jobs that year 2012-2013 (lost 1 so ended the school year with 4) and still could not pay loans for student debt of my undergrad. I knew I never wanted to do that again. So eventually I was introduced to direct sales in late 2014 at a fair booth.

The product was outstanding that I won ๐Ÿฅ‡ for FREE so I knew I could advertise it to make money ๐Ÿ’ฐ. The requirement? Get a smart phone. So I asked my partner and he said we didn’t have $500 for me after we just got married. I devoted 5 years to this man and sacrificed a LOT to help him achieve his dreams and moved around when he made poor financial decisions so I decided not to listen to him. The lady that introduced me to the product and business was married to the worship team leader at my parent’s church and her mentor had earned a Lexus with this company. That lady, knew my parents and when my partner lied to these ladies on a 3-way call, she said, “Erin I know your parents and if you want to get in this business you can join and pay me back as soon as you make the money. I trust you.” He said no, but I didn’t listen and 3 days later I signed up without his permission. He got $26,000 annually tax free from his parents just for breathing and couldn’t give me $500 to help me reduce my stress? I was out of there. He also said that God wasn’t real and prayers were stupid after lying to my family about being a born again Christian. Some men you can’t trust but you can trust in yourself and learning new skills.

Getting a smart device has been good for me overall but it also attracted a lot of evil people very swiftly through the power of Instagram and Facebook Ads that I didn’t know existed. There is this evil group called the Illuminati, there’s also Deep State, and CCP of China Communist Party. I don’t know if they are all the same or 3 different groups but I know they do not like Christians and many are sacrificing children in private and charging a LOT of money ๐Ÿ’ฐ to do it. Epstein Island is a real thing that happened that we all heard about in 2020 and they tried to do it again in Maui but President Trump and the US Military and their White Hat Allies stopped it. They invited me into their group as bait to help drag all the nasty rats ๐Ÿ€ that are traitors to America and to the middle class working poor. They didn’t necessarily tell me I was going to be bait, but the Holy Spirit reveals things to me.

President Trump’s Security Team provided me 2 months of off-grid protections and training from their top security man in 2020. I married that man last year #TrueStory! I taught him some skills and he taught me some and we meshed some of our skills we had together to make some dope music ๐ŸŽผ together to help spread His love around the world.

If you are in college or thinking about going, I want to encourage you to learn as many skills as possible and show up to all your classes. Do every homework assignment and pick a degree that you are passionate about. I was able to use some of my skills I learned in my undergrad and graduate school to help my hero of 2020 just by being myself #Grateful. If you have a job or military plans in mind and do not desire to go to college, that’s cool too. Show up early to work (15 mins), ask to learn new skills to help cover other people’s jobs if they call out sick, and you’ll earn promotions in no time ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dreams Come True Fact #3: Connecting With Others Can Make Or Break Your Net Worth So Make Quality Friendships And Business Associates And Trim The Fat Of Losers Quickly ๐Ÿ˜‰

I have to say I was pretty antisocial when it came to adult conversations prior to joining a direct sales company. It got easier to have small talk convos for networking from there by talking to 2 people a day. Some days I was able to talk to more than 2 but no less than that. Every month you meet 60 new people. That compounds overtime and if you lean-into meeting people with the intention to connect them to customers or friends, they’ll do the same for you. Don’t assume that you will meet someone and they’ll immediately connect you to clients. Meet people with zero expectations other than to get to know them.

It was easier for me once I got my Life Mission assignment from The Creator of the Universe to tell people who my population of service were and how I desired to help people with depression. The sales parts was difficult for me because mental health is such a new awakening movement all over and I didn’t have a license in therapy. So I was limited in what I could legally offer as services. I did what I could and 18 months into leaning into my Life Mission, I received protections from the security teams that protect all POTUS that are alive today and they created dual roles for me that they have been testing me on for 3 years. They blocked me from making money, blocked associations, hacked into my accounts and erased/blocked meetings with people, some of the evil ones that aren’t true patriots ๐Ÿ˜‰. They didn’t know that my hero of 2020 was having his buddies trace all illegal activities ๐Ÿ˜.

22 days and counting and he and I have won: Global Mental Health Ambassador and Chief Spiritual Officer Positions In ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ.

Dreams Come True Fact #4: Be Clear On Your Dreams And Speak Them Aloud Often As People Like You They Will Desire To Help You Achieve Them ๐Ÿ˜‰

When we are clear on our desires and dreams and speak them aloud or write them and share them through the power of the internet, people can help us achieve our dreams. That also puts a risk for evil people to block your business plans when poor leadership is in power. However, keep the faith and keep being patient. The Creator of the Universe has an outstanding destiny planned for you. When you spend time with Him and trust in Him no matter what, He uses all things according to His plans for your life to grow you.

Everything I have set my mind to I have been able to accomplish through the help of others giving me guidance, advice, sending referrals, helping to bounce ideas off each other, buying products/services, or saying no to me teaching me to know not everyone is going to be a yes. Most people have been kind to me since I leaned into this calling. However, there were 18,250 men and 5 ladies that were paid a LOT of money to damage my reputation in the last 3 years, 14,407 people were paid to have me killed in the last 3 years since October 2020, and recently the Lord revealed to me that 17,903 illegal immigrants in America were paid to have me killed in the final countdown of 22 days left of this very challenging contest. It is a first in history contest and last in history for me as it is a lifetime assignment.

In October 2020 I just happened to invite the President of the Defunded Blackwater Alumni Group to get a free seat to my Rich Happy Therapyยฎ๏ธ experience we were still in development with. My high school choir teacher, Mr. Crouse was our honorary guest as well as his daughter. This man got to meet one of my real life heroes that is a HUGE democratic voter and very passionate about helping people of all cultures. Mr. C helped me to dream BIGGER and this man decided to break some rules when I needed help after this event. Mr. President of Blackwater Alumni sent me on purpose to one of his mentors on President Trump’s team for protections when he was paid from one of the attendees, (a PhD in Divinity, former NFL Cheerleader, song writer that sold music to Aerosmith), to have me killed. I imagine she said name your price. He was brand new in his position so he had to reach out for help as he was brand new and Biden had just gotten sworn into office from a rigged election ๐Ÿคช. There was a LOT going on in October 2020. I had 3 HUGE business opportunities and the HOPE Act had been revealed to me from the Lord that same week and all top security teams decided to work together at the request of President Biden’s security leader. Trump gave the okay. 6 months later though this President of Blackwater of Biden’s Team was bought out and paid over a $1,000,000 (800-850 acres) to ruin my reputation in public on a fake date. ๐Ÿคฎ I found out he was a married dude about 6 months after that. ๐Ÿคฎ No thanks. I turned him down and said very loudly, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR ME?”

I have had to deal with a bunch of nasty men since then for 3 years and blocked from making money ๐Ÿ’ฐ proving that they persecuted me and my husband, two Christian Ministers in America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. What they didn’t take into account was whether or not I was to be trusted anymore as that original version they first met me as in 2020. We all are either growing or declining according to a leader I highly respect, David Byrd.

I am not that same 2020 version. I am now a wife. I am now a US Spy ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ unpaid ๐Ÿ˜‚, professional musician ๐ŸŽผ who has performed for royalty, I am a 50+ therapy developer, and I am a 96+ song creator in my lifetime for therapies and in 3 years for music. I am not to be toyed around with. My husband married up okay ๐Ÿ˜‰. He has the option to stay married and be in a very public marriage or quietly exit and stay in the shadows like his job demanded. He tried to retire to help me with this Life Mission but sadly too many evil people in American Government tried to kill us last year so I trust his decision no matter what.

Dreams Come True Fact #5: Pray To Your Savior For A Soulmate To Be Sent To You For Companionship And To Help You Dream BIGGER

The best soulmate one could ask for is Jesus Christ. That is my opinion and since I haven’t heard from my husband at all in almost a year in a half when he kicked me out of our house from his buddies orders, that is my final decision until 22 days from now. If my husband wants to try again and we get contracts signed from all POTUS promising to not bother us in his retirement and my missionary work next year for America, then we’ll do it. If he says, “no thanks I prefer to have a quiet life,” then I’ll sign the divorce paperwork. I had mailed him paperwork last year at his request when he requested divorce 7x then told me I would be killed if I stayed with him. He chose not to sign anything so I know he loves me. Its been difficult convincing others and getting any assistance as a veteran spouse as they erased all records of our marriage illegally. It has been the worst. The only one that has helped me is Teya, a fellow Veteran Spouse. Everyone else has dismissed me as a destitute poor person in America instead of the multi-trillion dollar asset that I am. So thanks to my mother for holding it down last few months due to a car wreck for being my emergency financial support when insurance companies have been thieves and lawyers have been bought out too. America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ is not the same as when I was born and my promise to my husband is that no matter what he decides on us, I am keeping my commitment to what I told him was my Life Mission from above. I know he will respect that and I know his warriors of light that truly look out for me will help keep me alive if he bails on his husband duties. 22 days from now I will know for sure. Soulmates are soulmates for life so if he leaves I know he wasn’t really my soulmate. Men have lied to me my whole life. Won’t be much different. Choose Jesus. He never fails.

Dreams really do come true. They might not turn out how you expected. They’ll turn out BETTER. Keep finding ways to serve others. Keep leaning into your gifts and ask the Savior how He can use you to help spread more love around the world.

If this Move Happy Movement Blogยฉ๏ธ has added any value to you, please donate any amount you feel led to our nonprofit for veterans and first responders: Erin Nicole Ministries here.

Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today โค๏ธ