July 7, 2018Erin Nicole

Have you ever wondered how some people are so likable? They have friends in all areas of life. They seem to know someone about something when you’re in need. They are outgoing or at least it seems. Their friend’s list is meaningful. They seem genuinely happy.  

You can be like these people and improve your quality of life (QOL) too. Check out the benefits if you reach out in any forum here. All it takes is some genuine effort on your part. This article is all about reaching out to others to improve your quality of life and theirs…

Step 1: Call a friend or loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while.

A couple weeks ago my dear friend from high school called me. She moved to the midwest a few years ago. She called to check in on me with my recent move to Tennessee. This reminded me how good it feels to connect with others for my mental health. We caught up like old times and it gave me the idea to reach out to some other friends and see how they’re doing (on my walks). I can get my fitness in, check in on my peeps, and improve my mindset!

She had no clue I was struggling with my move… Or maybe she did ๐Ÿ™‚

(Sheโ€™s still singing ๐ŸŽค today! This was at a major sporting event)

Step 2: Reach out to a friend or loved one via email.

Some friends and loved ones receive your messages better in writing (or you send the message better through that avenue). Writing itself can be very cathartic as well. It can be a healing process to write someone intentionally. Email that special someone specific things you appreciate them for in your life. 

When you’re all done, send it to them with this message at the end, “if you don’t mind writing someone else like I wrote you, I’d like to keep this positive action chain going for as long as possible.”

Step 3: Reach out to a friend or loved one with a snail mail letter.

I know it is super ‘old school’ to my younger readers. But if you were going to be honest with yourself, doesn’t it feel amazing when you get a card in the mail that isn’t a bill?! Be that person that sends it. Choose a friend that lives a ways away. Again write them specifics about what you appreciate in them. 

 (This is me and my friend Jason when I did a random drive to his old place in Montana)

Step 4: Drop in on an old friend or loved one.

Last year I was going through a really tough time. I was engaged and we were struggling. I was really happy working full time and doing my side hustles. He didn’t feel the same excitement for life as I did. We were supposed to go visit his long time friends and the more we talked about it, I realized I was going to be babysitting and he’d go out golfing with his buddy… No thanks!

I packed my bags and drove to Jason’s place. He and I have known each other for about 15 years. He’s seen me in my worst and has helped me to be a better person through his random trips to visit me in grad school, helping fix my cheap car when I was too broke to do it, and join in on karaoke any chance we could! His grandma thought for sure we’d get married LOL. 

I knew I needed to get some clarity and the drive from Washington to Montana was about 9-10 hours without breaks. I did some heavy processing. I am so glad I dropped in and that he was in town that weekend! 

Now that I’ve moved to Tennessee, he’s on a road trip and is planning to visit me next month! Super stoked!

Pick a friend that you’d love to drop in and visit. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Step 5: Reach out to a friend or loved one on social media, maybe do a shoutout or a private message.

(This is my friend Sunshine who helped film all 60+ workout video demos for my Move Happy Facilitator Program)

We message usually via text but occasionally he’ll tag me in some pretty rad videos he creates. He filmed for Macklemore back in the day and is working on some pretty cool projects. You can connect with him for recording or technology needs at bravefireandice.com. 

In conclusion, reaching out to friends and loved ones is good for your health, its good for their health, and it makes you feel good! Take time to connect with those you care about. Be the one that sends a message first. The magical thing about reciprocity is that it comes back to you.

I designed the Move Happy Facilitator Program to bring people together in a community through intentional questions geared towards proactive conversations and group workouts. For more info or to order, check it out here.

Please comment below with your big takeaway and who you’re reaching out to this week!

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today…