This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon and song release titled: I Gave The Devil A Run For His Money By Erin Nicole. Listen, take notes, and if it adds value to you, please donate as much as possible here: as I am 10 days from homelessness as a veteran spouse in the top security Organization that protects our Commander-In-Chief and the Illuminati Deep State tried to kill my husband and I last year and forced my business partner and me to part ways for NO REASON. The Deep State can’t steal my joy so they just forced me into homelessness 3x and about to be a 4th time for refusing to join their cult. I’m on food stamps because of a car accident in July that wasn’t my fault and both of us were fully insured. I have been denied medical treatment in America as a veteran spouse. Please help asap. This site will get shut down in 3 days if the bill isn’t paid.