This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon encouraging you about fitness from a well-known fitness direct sales company and I also encourage you to get plugged into the scriptures. I do use some foul language as I discuss violence towards my family (death threats) so parents please preview before sharing with young ears. Listen, take notes, and share with people you care about. War is coming soon. 10 days or sooner I get my husband back after a year and a half of zero contact. If that date does not happen and people delay, the Lord fights my battles for me. He is very unhappy with the rich people of the world that have turned a blind eye to the harming of children and humans in private. He is Omniscient, all knowing. He does not like evil. I share real scriptures from the Bible that the Holy Spirit revealed to me mid sermon recording. I do NOT preplan these sermons as my husband advised me true spiritual leaders allow the Holy Spirit to guide the sermons. I can’t wait to see my husband and show him how I have kept focused on His life mission despite them trying to kill us in America 🇺🇸 2 ministers when he asked to retire from Protecting President Trump. Our Commander-In-Chief will get back in office very soon. Drop all the erroneous charges against Trump. Nobody is buying it.
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