This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: 14th Attempt of Killing Erin Nicole. Obviously there is some major content that parents need to preview before sharing with young ears. Keep in mind that I have been targeted by a group that kills little boys and girls after sexualizing them (they are Satanic). So maybe you listen first, then share it with your kids to help empower them to listen to you and not go running away with their boyfriends or whatever. I bring you nothing but the truth and choose to be kind and loving to people. Today I had had enough of disrespect from people that I believe have been bought out so I had to call 911. Its been a very long day. I bring you real life practical tips and desire for you to not give up today, tomorrow, or ever. Keep your head up. If it adds value to you, please pray for all security teams that protect America and pray 🙏 on His guidance on how you can help them out in your local area. That is my “sales pitch” today. Love you all ♥️ but I love the Father most and my Husband 2nd and haven’t been able to communicate with him at all since Easter Sunday of 2022. October 17th 2023 we get reunited!!!!!!!! If I don’t make it to October 17th, tell him I love him and that I love JESUS and TRUMP IS INNOCENT. Okay listen now ttys 🤗