Hi Erin Nicole Ministries supporters and Move Happy®️ fans! Here is an original song from yours truly and the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. This is my 59th song written since October 2020. There are a few more I’ve written after this one but the Holy Spirit desired for me to release this one to you today. It is about the spiritual realm and His true love and opportunities for forgiveness. Its kinda classical. I intend to release a new version in the future with multiple parts but was having a lot of professional hackers blocking me from uploading at the place I lay my head to sleep so I had to waste time and gas to find another location to get it uploaded and am not allowed to sing at this location. So when the Holy Spirit desires for a new and revised version will be released, I’ll keep ya posted! Thank you to the tech teams that helped fix it today to help me share it with our audience. Enjoy! oh and if it adds value to you, please call everyone in your phonebook that loves my husband and me and our life mission to help empower you to find happiness from within and ask them to vote for me, Erin Nicole for the Global Mental Health Ambassador, Chief Spiritual Officer and to help bring my husband back home. Thank you! PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today