Have you ever met someone that was always cheery no matter what kind of day they were having? Maybe you met someone or heard their story of overcoming horrific experiences and they’re the kindest person you’ve ever met? Maybe you heard some influencer speak on stage like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuck, Les Brown, Oprah or someone similar and you’re wondering how they are so happy despite all the challenging things they have experienced in life? If you’re struggling feeling happy and worried that you can’t have happiness and success, that’s what this blog is all about. You can have it all depending on how you define happiness and success. I incorporate science, personal and professional experiences and fun GIPHYs to help keep the mood light.

If you are here to check out our download status for the private VIP concert for Move Happy Super Fans, scroll to the “Move Happy Updates” section towards the bottom. If you stay to the end, you’ll read about a Work-Place Offering I designed for businesses struggling with empowering their teams with depression and are either losing lots of employees, or aren’t getting as much productivity out of them as they believe they can. Happy reading!

#1 Spectacular Key: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏😊💜 Know what happiness as a precursor to success looks like.

I found a spectacular article from Forbes titled “The Secret Of Success- Is It Happiness?” What really stood out to me was the part where they talk about $2.4 billion dollars is lost annually in the UK from people calling in sick for mental illness or stress from the job and life. The article further discusses the power of choosing activities you more so enjoy and how that benefits the brain stimulation in the hippocampus. They dive deep about a study conducted at Stanford University with children where they measured their brain activity and it improves when doing things they love!

Personally I have always leaned into focusing on things I enjoy doing or finding aspects of the job that I enjoy to keep my mind happy since high school. It all stemmed from Mr. C. and his constant encouragement in choir class and after school Music Company group. He’d say things like, “do what you love and the money will come,” or “I’ll quit my job when it’s no longer fun for me.” We spent every weekend together selling hotdogs, soda, and pop at the Seahawks Stadium, Mariners, and SafeCo Field. In between sales, we’d be practicing our music and having a great time collaborating with all of my friend’s parents from choir. We became a family unit and won 1st place in everything because it was our healthy obsession. Also because Mr. C. instilled a personal desire for excellence within each of us. I went to college to add skills on the dance side because I was already singing at college level and above in high school. Heck I had a jingle in a New York Tire store my Sophomore year at college in exchange for some running shoes 😆. I didn’t negotiate my value very well back then..

Had I known that a PE degree was not inclusive of much dance instruction, I probably would have researched other schools like AMDA my friend Amanda went to in LA and saved a TON in undergraduate loans 😂 Hindsight is 100%. Fun for me is challenging experiences that stretch my brain, help me bring others together and use my creativity (like song writing or program designing).

Please share your insights, wisdom and knowledge on Facebook and tag us @ TheRealMoveHappy for a chance to be featured!

#2 Spectacular Key: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏😊💜 Know what science says about happiness as the precursor to success.

I found a fascinating article titled: “The Role of Adult Facilitators in Arts-Based Extracurricular Settings: Perceived Factors For Success of Adult-Youth Relationships.” If you read the abstract you’ll notice they speak of a collaborative approach working best as opposed to authoritarian approach.

Personally, it makes sense to collaborate with adults if you’re a youth or vise versa because there are things that young people have stronger skills in (usually technology) and strengths of the adult that young people don’t have (wisdom). I remember spending time with my mentor in 4H circa 3rd-4th grade. She was a high school student, super fun and made me feel important. We made up a secret handshake that only we knew how to do. Later in life as an adult, I moved across the country to help my family member transition to single parenthood. I built a relationship with my niece. I remembered that special handshake and how it made me feel and passed on that tradition with her. It was so fun for both of us and ended up being something where we’d add a new move each visit. We got up to like 18 moves including a cartwheel, spin, and yoga “ohm” pose 😆!

What are some science articles or blogs you’ve found regarding happiness as the precursor of success? Please take a screenshot of this blog title and write a few sentences on your thoughts or research you’ve found and tag us on Instagram @ TheRealMoveHappy.

#3 Spectacular Key: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏😊💜 Know what the global impact of happiness as a precursor to success is.

I found an interesting study conducted in Saudi Arabia in September 2020. It’s titled: “Do psychological and sociological capitals predict employee engagement.” The article dives deep into the weeds as the abstract leaves you hanging for more information. If you are of a more analytical nature, you’ll appreciate the diagrams and statistical breakdown.

What stood out to me was the connection of employee engagement or EE with sociological capital (or team culture). Employees seemed to work harder and were even more passionate about their jobs when their sociological capital was higher. That begs the question of what elicits higher sociological capital? I believe its a combination of factors.

I know personally working in the psychiatric hospital where Move Happy®️ first began it was the team culture of compassion and kindness (along with the patients) that encouraged me to work outside of my work hours to develop a 16-week program to improve their happiness, fitness and build community. It also was a cyclical factor as the more positivity shared amongst patients and colleagues, the more others started stepping up and giving their best; which launched the idea for the 2nd group “Performing Arts” to help patients build confidence through performing for others (that can be translated to job interviewing, amongst other areas).

The support I received as a first year employee at the hospital was so overwhelmingly positive. The CEO even wanted to meet with me about adding revenue to the hospital so we could provide more resources to the patients when legislature couldn’t get the vote what we needed.

I even ended up designing a 3rd program helping patients that were about to be discharged get their mindsets in the best possible place to help ease their transition back to society. I don’t recall the group name we decided on but it was probably something like “Happy Transitions©️.” I didn’t have any budget to make these programs. I used my creativity, patients’ interest, and on occasion other colleagues adding their skills to the table. When you have a team that encourages you to be creative and supports out of the box ideas for the betterment of your clientele, supernatural things begin to take place.

I’m curious of your thoughts, questions and stories on this article in the comments below ⬇️

#4 Spectacular Key: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏😊💜 Know what some simple solutions are to getting happier in order to be successful.

I know it may sound obvious to you, if you are happy most of the time, but for those that aren’t, how about spend some time every day doing things you love? Ask yourself what is it that I lose track of time doing and gets me in a flow state? What is it that challenges my mind in a good way and keeps my attention? Those are the things you should do more of. If you have children at home, find ways to do these things with them as you’re modeling positive creative behavior.

I know personally singing songs and writing music can be fun alone and it can also be extremely fun with others. When I was closer to my niece we’d play different instruments like the box drum and she’d sing her songs. She also liked to play imagination TV shows and pretend to cook for me and even dove into commercial breaks 😂. In those moments I wasn’t worried about my job, or stressed about the future. I wasn’t sad about my past. I was focused on the present moment and thinking about it now brings a smile to my face. Find things like that for you to bring you some happiness.

Share your ideas or fun mindful moment pics to SnapChat and tag us @ TheMoveHappy

Congratulations to many of you that have shared your happy ideas on all social media this week! It’s been really fun to work soon and learn from you all too! Angela Fowler ,my former co-worker at Albertson’s gas station in college, talked about how she surprised her co-worker for their 40th birthday with random gifts around the office this past month. Michelle Quick shared a few of my posts to her new Linkedin Group. She and I met last fall right before my home was broken into. We had a few chats and zoom calls because she lives in Europe. She is an extremely positive person with a loving family too! Bryan Bridgforth gave a great analogy of driver vs passenger in regards to spreading more love and kindness to others. Great job everyone for your contributions and examples! We are all from 1 🌎 helping to make it a better place together 💜.

Move Happy®️ Updates:

The Move Happy Movement Podcast©️ is going strong. Check it out on iTunes , podbean Spotify (1st 40 or so episodes- they stopped converting and don’t have the most current episodes sawwy), and someone added it to Listen Notes #NotMe 😂. We are going strong thanks to YOU! No ads, no bots creating fake downloads. You are spreading the word! I hope to help at least 1 person a day with the guests I bring or when I talk about important leadership topics by myself. Thank you for helping spread the mission of empowering depressed people globally to find their own happiness through mindset, community, fitness and a splash of music 🎶 ! 

This coming Monday I’ll be releasing an interview with a LinkedIn influencer. He’s also a retired Marine, worked for the Veterans Affairs, and recently shifted to US Army Corps Leadership over Engineers. We had a chat initially because he heard about my Veterans and First Responders concert series. From there he started asking me some coaching advice on launching a podcast. I was honored he felt I had enough value to ask me my opinion on the matter. I know having a top 200 podcast for my category 1st year out of 816,000 active podcasts on iTunes was a pretty successful thing to accomplish with no professional training in podcasting. However, my mind is a constant battle of telling me I’m not good enough. So I was surprised he recognized my ability and gave of his time. He reciprocated added value when we did the interview and I’m SO excited for you to hear it!!

Make sure to follow me on Twitter @MoveHappyTeam as my distribution platform has an AI setting that releases it there first 😃.

Also speaking of Veterans and First Responders Non Profit Concert Series, yesterday I finalized application paperwork at the state and set up the bank account for donors/sponsors to send money to help cover the costs of the concert series! If you love Veterans and First Responders, you can donate via Zelle right now using my email account erin@themovehappy.com. The non profit is called “Erin Nicole Ministries” and moneys received will be used to cover the costs to have the non profit possible (i.e. internet, housing for me to host and eventually a building once the pandemic opens up, mic equipment for musicians and lighting equipment to help it look professional, and any other costs once we can begin traveling like covering flight and hotel costs for musicians and guests. I’d love to keep it intimate online as audience members not only are entertained they are able to connect with other guests too.

Maybe you see an old battle buddy you were stationed with overseas, or maybe you meet your next wife as she’s a black star and lost her spouse in battle? You never know what could happen at our concerts 💜. The next concert is April 29th and it’s a Jazz and patriotic theme with Ramona Patterson as our Veteran Performer guest, my mom and Aunt Carol have a set they’ve sung for retired and assisted living facilities. They have sung for over 40+ years together and haven’t been able to perform for the facilities since covid restrictions.

If you have a family member that’s a veteran or parent/grandparent in an assisted living facility place, get in touch with their director and have them email me to get added to the list. It’s 100% free for guests unless they feel like tipping my guest performers. My mom and aunt have never taken any money 💰 for their ministry and I am doing the same with mine 💜. Any extra dollars donated will go right back to making the concert series better for our Veterans and First Responders and eventually covering travel costs for our annual in person event (including medical symposium to help improve how people with mental illness are treated in medical facilities and in the work place from top level medical providers around the globe 🌎).

So where are we at regarding the Move Happy Movement Podcast©️? Check it out anytime here. As it stands at 1:32p CST Saturday March 27th, 2021, here is where we’re at for total downloads or “listens.” Once we hit the 10,000 mark, an email will be sent out to all super fans that have grabbed my attention consistently throughout by sharing Move Happy®️ content on social media, DM’ing me how you’re making a positive impact in your community doing what you love, and writing reviews on iTunes !

Lastly, are you on the new app called Clubhouse yet? If so, connect with me @ MoveHappyErin. If you’re not on it yet, its for iPhone users only at this time so they don’t crash their server. Apparently a TON of people are on it daily. Every Tuesday I’ll be hosting a prayer evening from 7-8p CST. Bring a prayer request and a praise and we’ll be paying for our Nation, for our communities and if you’re not in the USA, for our world. James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” I would also add God made us all in the likeness of God’s image so we can all agree the prayers of people are powerful and effective! I hope to see you there this coming Tuesday!

#5 Spectacular Key: 💃🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏😊💜 Know how Move Happy®️ can help empower you to be happier and facilitate happy groups and work places that get more stuff done and have less turnover!

I’m really excited to share a 16-week program I designed. The purpose of the program was 3 fold:

1) improve the happiness and fitness levels of my former patients,

2) create a sustainable program that could be facilitated low budget by me or other group therapy facilitators in hospital settings,

3) help provide a positive experience around exercise and movement to inspire my former patients to want to continue moving after the 16 weeks was completed.

I’m happy to share the program was so successful we had patients sharing about it to other patients that could not get into the group due to Fire Marshall Laws. Some even started working out in their rooms between groups. One in particular is a Retired U.S. Marine and retired high level executive in corporate America. He was in the program the 1st and 3rd round and saw the modifications I made based on my own reflections and patients’ feedback. He said to me, “Erin you WILL be sharing this with others and you WILL be on TV one day. What you have is greater than this hospital can use. It needs to be shared with others. Do you understand?” How can one say no to a Marine? 😂

You can order 1 license of the program here or email me if you run a hospital to discuss multiple licensee bulk pricing options (Erin@themovehappy.com).

Additionally with the pandemic globally things shifted very quickly for work and home. Pre pandemic stats were released from the World Health Organization estimating that $1 trillion dollars in productivity is lost annually in the workplace specifically from people not being properly supported that have depression and anxiety. Currently many families are dealing with workplace stress, at home, while also being tech support for their child dealing with taking a test on zoom and internet malfunctioning and the dog is barking in the back 😂. This is real life people! Some don’t even have internet at home and are really struggling. I designed something to help combat the work and home stress for families and save company time and money. Additionally, I provide a positive experience for employees to want to work harder at their jobs and not quit on their teams. I called it Work Happy Workshop©️.

The Work Happy Workshop©️ is a 2 part offering:

  1. Company Wide Interactive Presentation for all team members to come and learn some knowledge from my professional experiences (science and story format) and also participate in company wide activities to increase collaboration and engagement and raise energy levels of team members. I provide a follow up session at the end of the year to measure growth and improvements and also help provide a sustainable plan to keep the company flourishing after my time with them is complete.
  2. 1:1 Work Happy Consultations©️ for each employee who either is diagnosed with depression and or anxiety, or isn’t diagnosed but feels like they could benefit from working with us. Companies have the option to select from weekly, bi-weekly or monthly package options depending on budget. My target business size is 50 employees or less in the USA right now as I’m a team of 1. Once I expand my organization I can work in other countries. If you are a company larger than 50 employees and want this offering (like my 1st unplanned warm referral of a CTO to his CEO with 1300+ employees) we can discuss a customized package option where we do the company wide interactive presentation and offer a certain amount of time slots for those with highest critical needs on a first come first serve basis weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. I have room for 1 client for the month of April. Email me (erin@themovehappy.com) to schedule a 15 minute consultation to see if this is a good fit for us both as this offering is not on the website at this time. Include in your subject heading “Work Happy Workshop Consultation©️ Blog Discount” for 5% savings upon checkout. First come first serve.

As always, 30% of all Move Happy®️ products and services are donated back to a mental health organization of your choice (email me receipt and link to your preferred org). 10% is donated to your local chapter of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. If your area does not have a local chapter or it’s been shut down, let me know what your preferred youth org is in your area via email. If you don’t email me at all, 40% of your purchase will be donated to Erin Nicole Ministries to help expand my new non Veteran and First Responder non profit 💜.

So there you have it folks. Happiness is within all of us. We choose daily how we perceive the world. We choose what we focus on and our mood can be shifted by the power of our thoughts. No matter how many bad things have happened to us or people have let us down, we all have the power within ourselves to be joyful and loving. Contribution is one of the strongest ways to boost your mood. If you’re currently in a funk, volunteer, give, donate, do something for someone else and watch how it makes you feel. It’s not a 1 time done thing. It’s a daily practice just like brushing our teeth. Do it so often it becomes ingrained in your DNA. I know for me having practiced positive psychology before it was even called that (circa 3 years old or earlier), I know I can even take it to new levels. That’s why I’m so excited to grow out my sales and grow my business because the more people that buy from me, the more people I can help in the world AND my customers are literally helping the world too! It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN!

I love you all so much ❤️❤️❤️. If this blog brought you any value whatsoever, it would mean the world to me if you’d share it with someone or a few people that you most care about.

PS: Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today