Do you know what the secret successful people possess? The skill of forgiveness. Successful people connect and work with others on a regular basis. Humans are fallible. We make mistakes, we don’t always communicate the best. We sometimes allow our emotions to get the best of us. Successful people however have this magical way of working with others. They let go easily. They communicate their needs. They lead with love and authenticity. They learn from every mistake and consider all things not progressing as lessons.

The following blog is all about how to incorporate forgiveness into your daily routine. How to start to forgive, how to let things go, how to lean in with love and how to accept some of life’s lessons.

I’m excited for you to read! If you’re loving what you’re reading, please share with a friend or your social media. Stay to the end for a sweet limited offer exclusively for my blog readers.

I learned to forgive early on from my dad. We butted heads a lot growing up because we’re both stubborn. We’d always talk it out when we cooled down and explain why we were upset. Dad wasn’t too proud to say he was sorry when he goofed which made me feel okay to apologize too.

Supernatural Strategy 1: Forgiveness can improve your physical health ⁣⠀⠀
Check out this sweet article. It’s pretty dope! ⁣⠀⠀
I’d love your thoughts, comments and share with a friend if you find value in it! ⁣⠀⠀

Supernatural Strategy 2: Practicing Forgiveness Does Not Have To Be Complicated

Forgiveness can help you move towards your own happiness. ⁣There are methods out there if you need some guidance. You can write it out, call the person, share it with them, keep it private, the list goes on… ⁣⠀⠀
I promise you, if you’re holding onto any anger, its preventing you from true happiness. It doesn’t mean you have to spend the rest of your life with that person. ⁣⠀⠀
It means they no longer have power over you. 🔥 ⁣⠀⠀

My Auntie and I golfing with the boys in GA area a few years back. She’s my mom’s older sis (not the oldest). We had a heart to heart during my wedding planning a few years back and I’m glad we are able to talk about anything. She opened my eyes to a lot of things related to forgiveness. Oh and she sings too like mama 🙂

Supernatural Strategy 3: Forgiveness Opens Opportunities

I am SO excited to let go! It really is freeing. ⁣⠀⠀
So, to the principal at the last elementary school I taught at in K-12 schools, I forgive you for accusing me wrongfully in front of my students. I forgive you for accusing me of not having my students’ best interest at heart.
❤ When you emailed me and CCed the arts director of the district accusing me of things before having a conversation privately, it really hurt. ⠀

Then you required me to provide you with lesson plans 2 weeks in advance. That annoyed me because of the way you worded it in your email, I had to seek your approval first before teaching any lessons at almost 30yrs old with a masters degree. It’s cool though, I already had the entire year mapped out because that’s the kind of professional I am. ⠀

I had a conversation with the arts director after I emailed you my year plan. He told me you were so impressed that I already had mapped out the entire year’s curriculum and that you were begging for me to come back. Something about the students missing me 🤔 ⠀

The district never could fix my contract and because you didn’t have the balls to call me and apologize yourself, I wasn’t going to step foot in a place where I wasn’t respected. I’m not mad at you though. I forgave you a long time ago⠀

Because of you people now can buy my curriculum at school districts all around the world if they so choose 😉⠀

Even though your letter and CCed email was meant to hurt me and CYB, I forgive you. I’ve since let your intention to hurt be an opportunity to bless others.⁣⠀⠀

I think this is PooPoo Point in WA. Sometimes you just have to go on a hike if there is a lot of stress out of your control.

Supernatural Strategy 4: Challenge Yourself Today To Start Forgiving

Write a letter to someone that you need to forgive. If you feel safe to share with that person or mail it, go for it! ⁣⠀⠀
I’d love if you’d share your thoughts below. I’m going to write that principal a letter and include the link to my shop 😂. ⁣⠀⠀
She really did help challenge me to be careful how I teach and repeat safety directions multiple times. I wrote a letter and addressed it to another woman but was not going to mail it as my 2nd husband (current one) advised me not to. It was stolen out of my belongings recently and I hope the good people got it and destroyed it. Thank you in advance! My angels are always looking out for me and my family’s best interests. ⁣⠀

This is my niece a few years ago in gymnastics after school program. Had that low income school principle afforded equipment like this and maybe if I had forced all late students to miss their PE time for safety reasons, there would have been zero issues. Ah well, because of her insecurity, I am blessed to own 3 companies now, 21 alternative therapies and curricula for a variety of ages 4-84 years and help others become empowered to find happiness from within.

Supernatural Strategy 5: Do some positive action towards letting go today.⁣⠀⠀
So for me, if the principal at the elementary school I taught at is watching, I’ll give you a free copy of my Move Happy facilitator program that you can modify for school age curriculum.⁣ If you promise to donate the $999 I charge normally to a mental health organization of your choice that is. The offer stands for the remainder of the month if you are still alive and a principal in the school systems. If not, bless your journey wherever life takes you.
Thanks for helping teach me how I never want to lead others (intimidation, accusation, CCing emails to others not involved prior to having an adult conversation).⁣⠀Everything you chose to do may or may not have been intentionally hurtful. I believe you were afraid of getting sued by the parents should her back have been really hurt. Rumor has it you had been sued in your previous position so it makes sense why you were on guard. My Pastor Joel Osteen spoke on a recent YouTube sermon on the power of forgiveness and even forgiving people that don’t ask for it. She might have never learned how to direct her stress and anger towards the right people and assumed the worst in her staff member instead of trusting that I was a professional and allowed for time after school to discuss the matter professionally. Hindsight is 100% and I imagine after I was begged to come back and the contract at the district level wasn’t ready after 4 months of working without a contract signed, and I turned it down that there was some change of heart on the principal’s end. Its why the Head of the Arts at the District reached out to me but my father’s stubbornness was seeded deep in my bones in my 20s and the district also stole from my mother so I was standing up for our entire family when I refused to come back to that school. It was a decision that impacted my income and I would have made it the same but would have called the principal and explained why I wasn’t coming back so she would have some closure. I do not believe that you should subject yourself to work place abuse and bullying ever and teachers that are hired based on specialists budgets are often treated like second or third class teachers unfortunately.

The “injured student” was doing cartwheels 🤸‍♀️ the next morning though during recess I was told by my colleague so all of that mess of accusations from you to me in front of my students from the next class could have been prevented by a private conversation.⠀

I choose to see the good from it and am proud of not staying at your school even though it was financially difficult for me. I’m happy with my younger self that I stood up for myself when you CCd the head of the district for hiring all specialists before having a conversation with me. I would have actually spoken to you about it in person if I could go back in time but I cannot change the past. ⠀

I forgive you for the incident and I’m so grateful how it’s turned out for the better for me because of what I learned from you.⠀

Thank you 🙏 ⠀

My dad loved quick bites to eat because he worked 12-14hour days and wanted to spend the rest of his time with us or relaxing. He was the first man to dance with me and I miss him a lot. I forgive him for the way he ate and rushed through this life. I hope my story will change your family dynamics for the better and you’ll never take a day for granted with the ones you love.

Want To Support Move Happy® ?

For those that want to score a copy of my Move Happy Facilitator Program for adult group therapy facilitation, go to my shop here after October 2023 as our shop is not available until this Mental Health Ambassador Contest Contract Is Signed (October 2023).

Facebook reached out to me for my strategies from launching my Instagram channel in 2019 year with 0 followers to having over 2k+ today. They said they’ll use my information to support other small businesses and invited me to speak on stages in this new thing they were thinking about launching to help entrepreneurs grow their brands online. I was pleasantly surprised and honored they reached out as I had only been posting 1 post a day Monday-Friday on Instagram exclusively in the beginning and tasting the ads over there and on Facebook (Facebook owns both platforms btw 😉).

I continued to get compliments and people reaching out to me for support so I decided to launch Erin Nicole Media® . I post on all major social media channels when the Holy Spirit assigns me to. Right now I am in a quiet season until the contract is signed and my Deity gives me permission to start posting business content again. I write all of my content. I map it out, I do my own videos, editing, text writing, the whole shuh-bang. I did hire a social media manager in the past for a few months and helped connect her to other people that had larger budgets because she did a great job. She is not in the circle anymore though for private reasons so any posts about her should be erased from the resiliency warrior angels that surround me. Sometimes you have to bless people and release them to spread their wings.

In the future when my husband and I are reunited, I’m believing for our family to grow and the Holy Spirit already gave me permission to hire an administrative person and a social media manager (they might be the same person) in addition to a nanny and cleaning staff that we will treat like family and pay very well. That time is not going to be for a awhile so until then I will continue being grateful for where I am at and continue smiling and looking for ways to bless others until my husband and I are returned to one another. It has been over a year with zero contact since Easter Sunday as I write this of 2022 and as I edit this blog it is June 25th 2023. I cannot wait to help bring unity and love to our Nation’s Leaders and demonstrate the 2nd biggest level of forgiveness in the history of the world aside from the death of my Savior and his Rising from the dead. We’re going to forgive discretely and my husband and I will be treated like the assets we are to our Nation and be Global Ambassadors of Mental Health around the World and I’ll be crowned the Chief Spiritual Officer of the United States of America. The first ever in the history of our history. I still am in awe that the Father above assigned this to me and will continue to ask for spiritual leaders of the military to surround our family and keep both of us accountable in ever aspect of our lives.

If you would like to reach out to the powers that be and let them know you would like to vote for myself and my family, we do not expect it however we will not turn down a blessing from you. Please also include in that email, phone call, or text that you desire to bring my husband back home to me and remind them that I am a Veteran Spouse and there are laws that protect Veteran Families, both of us are protected under the American Disabilities Act, and many data privacy laws that should be protecting us but were broken in the last few years because of this contest. We’re ready to claim the victory in October and cannot wait to be reunited.

For those of you interested in learning my social media content writing system, including tips on shooting good video, what equipment to use, what apps to use for editing, and how to do it in under an hour/day, I have 2 spots available. I am looking to teach you my system then you implement the system. It looks like a 1-2 hour consult via digitally. The cost of this private session is $15,000 or $10,000 for small group session with contact connections to some of my network should they desire to connect with you in the experiences. I will be raising the prices after I get more strong testimonials and want to over deliver for you. To schedule your complimentary consult, email me here subject line “Social Media University Intensive Consult Interest” Make sure to mention the blog discount of 5% off either private or group SMUI©️. I do not advertise this offering publicly, it is invite only and super exclusive. We will be hosting the next experience when the Holy Spirit allows us to sometime after October’s Meeting with contract signed with all POTUS and First Wives Present so please include a few dates of availability and what you believe your schedule of availability will be in October 2023 or after that date and either I or my team will add you to the tickler file for follow up.

Thank you!

So now you know what the secret successful people possess is. The skill of forgiveness. Successful people connect and work with others on a regular basis. Humans are not perfect. We make mistakes, and we don’t always communicate the best. We sometimes allow our emotions to get the best of us. Successful people however have this supernatural way of working with others. They let small things go easily. They communicate their needs. They lead with love and authenticity. They learn from every mistake and consider all things as lessons.

I love you all.

Don’t forget to tell someone you love them today…