Love Your Enemies With Erin Nicole

This episode is all about loving those who aren’t kind to you or you might even identify as an enemy. Its not easy to do but over time if you practice it consistently, it’ll get easier and easier and it destroys The Enemies power over us collectively....

Resign Popular Permissions With Erin Nicole

This episode is all about ignoring the traditional route of asking permission to do things that The Creator of The Universe has assigned you to do. You might need to pray for Him to bend some rules for you and begin to start thinking out of the box. Listen, enjoy,...

Celubasë With Erin Nicole

This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon that means: Celibacy. Enjoy and parents please preview before sharing with young ears. I do talk about the topic of sex and abstaining from it as the Creator desires all of us to do if we can to focus on His purpose for our lives....

Fraturize Amontangue With Erin Nicole

This episode is a Holy Spirit inspired in tongues titled episode meaning: “Fracture Amount.” This is the Holy Spirit’s warrior roar against all the top 1% in the world that have been hoarding their money and not helping the poor when He is the...

Structurize Telefontane By Erin Nicole

This episode is Holy Spirit in tongues title meaning: “Structure The Phone Guy” Enjoy! And don’t let anyone bully you. I don’t care how BIG and Powerful they are. I married the best most fierce man in the world who has the most fierce...